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Example Article for This Week in History

This Week In History - February 13
Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

February 13


“Silver Wings to Dana Bradford”

Kelly Field held its first graduation in 1941 on February 7th when Flying Cadets of Class 41-A received their coveted silver wings and commissions as 2nd Lts. Kelly Field shared this honor with Brooks Field will graduate 1900 Flying Cadets and one Student Officer, while Brooks Field will graduate 69 Flying Cadets.

Brooks Field was made an Advanced Flying School by Army orders on January 1st; prior to that time, it had been a subsidiary of Kelly Field. The two schools hold their stream-lined graduation exercises together at Kelly Field, with Colonel H.R. Harmon, Commandant of Kelly Field, and Major Stanton T. Smith, Commandant of Brooks Field as the principal speakers.

Dana Bradford, son of Mrs. A.W. Ridgeway of Townsend was one of the graduates who was received into the Air Corps as an officer and presented with his “silver wings”.

“Personal News”

Al Dance is having himself a nice trip. On Saturday he went by plane to Chicago. He will visit his aged father in Cincinnati and other relatives in his native state, Kentucky, before he returns.

A number of local people motored to Helena Wednesday evening to attend the annual Lincoln day dinner. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Bruce, Fred W. Schmitz, A.G. McCormick, Mrs. Edith Gill, Jas. Gill and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bliler, Cleve Wallace, Earl W. Brown, Clarence Dallas and son, and Bill Diehl.


“Thank Those Who Helped Decorate for Charity Ball”

I would like to again express my thanks to everyone who so kindly helped with the decorations for the Charity Ball.

Those who worked to make the ceiling were: Mary Connors, Vera Black, Betty Rambert, Bernice Francisco, Donna Grover, Lois Valentine, Lillian Dove, Irene Rosetta, Cleo Neifert, Marie Sullivan and Mrs. Sprout.

Working to put the decorations up in the gym were: Lois and Keith Valentine, Dorothy and Bud Davis, Ed and Anita Sherwood, Bill Aldworth, John and Gen Walter, Ray Doig, Don and Florence Fogland, Pleas Barringer, Don and Florence Williams, Geff and Ruth Greene, Dr. and Jean McElwee, Mary and Al Brothers, Jim Hargrove, Glory and Mike Huth and Lee Todd.

My special thanks to Jean McElwee and Ruth Greene who were so very helpful in carrying out the theme. To Al Brothers who arranged the lighting and to Katherin Olsen and Lee Todd who brought decorations from Helena.


“Benefit Ball Chairmen”

Benefit Ball Chairmen have been named for the “social event of the year” to be held April 26 at the Legion Club. No theme has been picked, but ideas are literally exploding from the heads of ladies, Mrs. Bill Lane of Toston and Mrs. Mike Lewis of Crow Creek Valley. The pair of chairmen are reviewing the scrapbook of the past years to gain ideas. More information will be forthcoming as decisions are made and committees chosen.

“East of Townsend”

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer lost the shop at their ranch Friday afternoon when wiring apparently started on fire. The shop burnt to the ground taking a tractor, farmhand, tools and other equipment. The rural fire truck was unable to get through the snow drifted lanes and returned to town before the snow plow arrived to open the road. The fire truck then returned to see that the fire didn’t spread to surrounding buildings.

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bieber of East Helena spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brock and family of Bozeman, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bieber and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bieber and family all of Helena and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bieber of East Helena visited Sunday and did some snowmobile riding.


“Around Town News”

Tex and Yvonne Pate of Winston visited with Edith Alex on Thursday.

Last week, Ron and Judy Barraugh of Helena visited their mothers, Pearl Barraugh and Doris Huth. The four enjoyed dinner at the Silos. Monday, Bill and Karen Barraugh of Helena visited Pearl.

Sunday dinner guests of Tom and Elaine Hensley were Ray and Betty Horne. Sunday, Betty Horne, Valerie Middlemas and Elaine Hensley attended the Chocolate Fair in Helena.

The Cassidy Brothers performed Saturday at the Community Concert in Helena. Among those from Townsend enjoying the concert were Frances Etzwiler, Lillian Fisher, Ione Schwisow, Georgia Meng, Adrian and Morgan Michalski, Mary Debelak, Helen Turcotte, Jerry Kimpton, Barbara and Bob Teller, Bill and Marjorie Knowles, Clay and Carol Schiedewitz and their daughters and John and Loretta Ryan.