MT 43 News Blocks Example Article

Example Article for This Week in History

This Week In History - July 18


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and

the Cotter Foundation

July 18


“Doings of a Week”

Henry Sherlock and Pete Meloy and families, Mrs. Fick McCormick and Tom Sherlock and sons of Radersburg left Tuesday for a camping trip at Deep Creek Falls.

The Toston ball team didn’t do a thing to that Senatorial bunch from Helena last Sunday but run themselves to death by crossing the home plate 32 times, while the Helena team got in one score.

Thursday evening Mrs. Lyons met with a peculiar accident. In trying to stop the family buggy horse in his endeavor to runaway she was thrown to the ground and one of her hands was caught in such a way that it was broken through the center – making a very painful wound.


“Personal News”

Miss Trenna Lee Hollaway is the guest of her cousins Peggy and Vivian Graveley this week, from her home in Boulder. She was accompanied here Tuesday by her parents who went on to Neihart and left her for a “vacation” with Townsend relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kearns and son, Billie, spent the weekend in Florence visiting Mrs. Kearns’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ossian F. Taylor. Mrs. Kearns and Billie remained to stay the week.

Dr. John Whaley and son of Chicago arrived Friday to visit his mother, Mrs. John Whaley, and other relatives.

Miss Louise Kieckbusch, who had been visiting her grandparents in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, returned home Friday.

Billie Duede and Ira Merritt, Jr., who left here two weeks ago for CCC training, are home on a vacation. The premature vacation was due to the fact that the young men have been called to fire duty and after they were sent to that section they could not get home so were allowed an early furlough.


“Two Townsendites Elected to Top Legion Positions at State Convention”

Mrs. Frank Upton, Mrs. John Walters and Ray Nydegger represented the local American Legion Post No. 42 and their Auxiliary at the 50th annual state convention last weekend in Great Falls and honored their post and community by being elected to two top positions.

Mrs. Upton was elected president of the Montana Department of the American Legion Auxiliary during convention activities on Saturday and Nydegger was elected as one of the four vice commanders of the Montana American Legion during the closing session on Saturday.

During the sessions the group passed formal resolutions stating that they were generally against present gun legislation and were in favor of placing more authority back in the hands of law enforcement officers.

When the trio returned to Townsend on Sunday

afternoon, a motorcade met them at the edge of town and escorted them to the Legion Hall where well-wishers extended their congratulations.

“Local News”

Among those going to Camp Napi, near St Mary, Saturday to bring home Boy Scouts were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lukes, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Helmick, Jerry and George Brammer. They stopped over in Browning long enough to see the Indian Days parade and visit the Bob Scriver wildlife museum. The Jack Sautter family, who had been vacationing in Canada, stopped by and brought home some if the Scouts. The Lukes group and the Brammers came home via Going to the Sun Highway which crosses Glacier Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Shearer were hosts Wednesday evening at a barbecue supper, the occasion being a farewell party for their son, Dan, who left Thursday for six months active duty with the Army Reserves. Guests were Chris Ragen, Dave Shearer, Kathy Ragen, Connie Ragen, Pat Ragen, Sharon Adams, Skip Sherwood, Paul Schwisow, Tony Kaul, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ragen, Jeff, Tom, Jack and Richard, Randy Leanhart, Ted Baker and Gary Peters.


“Merchants Scotch Ball Golfers”

Some brought home eggs, others won prizes in last Friday evening’s annual Merchants Scotch Ball Golf Tournament at Old Baldy. Forty-four golfers competed in the tourney. The winners included Dale Johnson-Jim Wilson (low net score), David Hackel-Jeannie Mitchell (low gross score), Carol Campbell (long drive), Ron Campbell (long drive), Jeannie Mitchell (closest to the pin), and Charlie Gilmore (closest to the pin). Townsend- area merchants and golf supporters donated prizes for the event.