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Broadwater County Hosts 4-h Members From Pennsylvania


Allison Kosto, MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent
MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent

Allison Kosto

MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent

For one week, fourteen 4-H members and two chaperones from Bradford County, Pennsylvania got to experience life in southwest Montana. Members of the Broadwater County 4-H Interstate Exchange program hosted them in their homes, shared their 4-H projects, explored our state’s unique tourist attractions and shared our Montana lifestyle.

The 4-H Interstate Exchange program is a learning experience in which teenage youth from a club, community, or county visit the homes of 4-H members in another geographical area and then visit them in return the following year. The program requires a two-year commitment for both hosting and travel. 4-H Exchanges provide opportunities for 4-H youth to travel, sightsee, meet new people, make new friends and connections, explore expanding interests, experience how others live, and see other 4-H members in action. Exchange programs are an important educational experience for 4-H teens by giving them a chance to experience a culture different from their own and help participants recognize the value and celebrate diversity.

Participants in the Broadwater County 4-H Exchange program are Andrew Beatty, Anna Beatty, Kay Crusch, Patrick Des Chene, Sawyer Harrigfeld, Autumn Henke, Grace Kroeger, Elaine MacDonald, Abigail McCauley, Kaitlyn Noyes, Haedyn Poe, Savannah Paulsen-McLaughlin, Cinch Reynolds, Stetson Reynolds and MaKenzie Truesdell. 4-H leaders, Jennifer and Todd Beatty coordinate the program.

The program took place on June 16-22. After a late arrival due to a delayed flight, the Pennsylvania delegates got settled into the homes of their Montana host family. Next, they headed to Battle Creek Ranch near White Sulphur Springs to experience life on a Montana working ranch for a couple of days with gracious hosts, Lary and Shelly Richtmyer. Even through inclement weather, the group enjoyed horseback riding, fishing, hiking, games and bonding. They ended the second day with a trip to the natural hot springs at White Sulphur.

After a night with their host families, the group joined together again to learn about Montana's history with a trip to Nevada and Virginia Cities. They participated in tours and gold panning, and no trip to Virginia City is complete without a visit to the creamery and candy store! That evening, the delegates enjoyed a family night at Indian Creek Campground with a shrimp boil and games.

The next day, the group explored our state’s capital with a guided tour of the capital building and even got to meet the lieutenant governor, Kristen Juras. Next, it was a stop at Last Chance Gulch to visit the Big Dipper. The day ended with a tour of Gates of the Mountains.

The final day in Montana was a long one that included a journey to Yellowstone National Park. Along the way, the group stopped in Jardine to visit the Hells-a-Roarin’ Outfitting, owned by Warren and Susan Johnson. The group got another taste of Western hospitality and culture, learning about this unique horse-packing business on the edge of a national park. On the way through the park, the group stopped at several places including the infamous Old Faithful Geyser.

On Saturday, the Pennsylvania delegation left bright and early. Next year, the Pennsylvanians look forward to hosting Broadwater County 4-H members in their homes and sharing their own culture, history and lifestyle.

A big thank you to Jennifer, Todd and all the parents who stepped up and helped for the week.

For more information about 4-H, please contact the MSU Extension Office in Broadwater County at 406-266-9242 or

4-H is a youth development program of Montana State University Extension. Participants in the 4-H Interstate Exchange must be enrolled in a 4-H Club and participate in at least one project.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Provided by Allison Kosto
Image 1 Caption: 4-H Interstate Exchange participants from Montana and Pennsylvania at Yellowstone National Park. Photo Provided by Allison Kosto