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Tech Talk: Beware The Internet


Victor Sample
Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer

Beware The Internet

Victor Sample

The Internet has forever changed the way we live. We shop online; we meet online; we research online; we socialize online….

But everyone knows (or should know) that the Internet can also be a very dangerous place. It is full of scammers trying to scam you or deliver malware to your PCs, tablets and phones.

Misinformation (or just plain lies) are abundant on the Internet. There have even been television commercials making fun of believing everything you read on the internet.

Many of the people who participated in the January 6, 2020 riots at the Capital building in Washington DC have been charged with crimes, found guilty and are serving jail sentences. Many of those people have blamed the internet because they read and believed the lies they found on the internet.

However, we are now entering a new, even more dangerous era of Internet propaganda, deception and lies. Some of you have read previous articles that I wrote making fun of some of the more ludicrous “conversations” I have had with the Microsoft Copilot and Google Bard/Gemini Artificial Intelligence engines; but, I do use artificial intelligence engines all of the time. They are becoming more and more powerful.

I recently read an article about a new capability Microsoft has implemented in their AI engines – the ability to create full-blown videos using a single photograph and a single voice clip.

Why is this so scary?

We all know that people take words out of context or edit videos to create misleading (or just plain false) narratives they attribute to people.

But the ability to create extremely realistic full videos of people talking that are totally fabricated brings the misinformation danger to a whole new level. As the totally fabricated videos become more and more realistic how can you tell the real videos from the manufactured videos?

These types of misleading information are called “deep fakes”. For an example of a fully AI created deep fake video visit

I cannot tell the difference from this totally fabricated video and a real video!