Townsend City Council Meeting April 04, 2023
 | Author: Kari Williams, City of Townsend Clerk/Treasurer City of Townsend Clerk |
City of Townsend Council Meeting--April 4, 2023 Kari Williams, City of Townsend Clerk/Treasurer Attendance: Council members, Mayor Evans, Vickie Rauser, Matt West, Angie Wintrow, (Christina Hartmann & Nate Brown were absent).
Also present were City attorney, Peter Simon, City Public Works, Tim Rauser, and City Clerk, Kari Williams, Tim Ravnndal, Duane Holom, JB Howick, Cliff Wrobetz, and Cassandra Beckman.
6:30 p.m.: Meeting opened, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
Minutes: Mayor Evans asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the last meeting on 3/21/23. Ken Urich stated a correction to be made in the minutes in the “round table” discussion paragraph. Corrected as follows: “The street on Oak near the hospital is pretty bad.” Vickie Rauser made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction, Angie Wintrow seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
• Townsend Lions Club request for street closure April 8th for Easter Egg Hunt. Matt West made a motion to approve the request for the Lion’s Street Closure Request, Vickie Rauser seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Angie Wintrow stated she doesn’t think they’ll need 4 barricades as previously requested.)
• Cassandra Beckman of Broadwater Health Department is requesting a street closure for the Bike Rodeo on May 20th, they partner with Rotary, and this will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. They won’t need any barricades, and it will be on Pine Street, B through C Streets. Mayor Evans asked if they could provide proof of insurance, and she will bring that next week. Vickie Rauser made a motion to defer action until the next meeting when Broadwater Health has all of their paperwork in order. Ken Urich seconded the motion, motion carried.
• Letter from Broadwater County Commissioners regarding Restoration of the North Coast Hiawatha Rail Service. Townsend is being considered for a rail station along the proposed route and is asking Townsend for a $500 annual contribution along with a letter of endorsement in support of restoring passenger rail across southern Montana. This topic generated a lot of discussion regarding the pros and cons of this going through Townsend. Matt West made a motion to defer this until we have more information. Vickie Rauser seconded the motion. Motion carried.
• The city received a copy of a letter that was sent to Montana Department of Transportation from Townsend Area Chamber of Commerce requesting information on the plans for the future development of State Highway 287 through Townsend. This topic also generated a lot of discussion. JB Howick stated that the city should tell MDT what we’d like to see before they tell us what they’re doing. How will their plans for this highway impact local businesses and residents.
• Tim Rauser asked the council what they wanted him to do about the pool this year. Vickie Rauser stated that the estimate for the pool liner was $130,000. Tim said that he would not dump a bunch of money toward the pool right now, including a new liner. He stated that he can fix it up and make it run this year. Matt West asked Tim if he could give an estimated time for how long the pool will run as is. Tim said that he cannot give an accurate answer on that, but he guesses a couple of years.
Vickie Rauser stated that the Community Review Process, (the recreation focus group) has mentioned a new indoor community pool. Vickie said it might be in our best interest to keep the pool running as is for now and see where the focus group goes with the new community pool.
Angie Wintrow stated that it’s April and we need to decide if we are going to open the pool this year. Ken Urich said that he’s with Tim and would like to see the pool open as it’s important to the community. Chemicals will need to be ordered and an ad placed to advertise for lifeguards.
Amanda Hazelett is supposed to return as a swim instructor as that was the agreement last year. Ken Urich said that he will get a hold of Amanda Hazelett and get the ball rolling.
Matt West asked how we are going to avoid a safety issue? JB Howick asked if there is a sign for the pool that states, “Swim at your own risk.” Peter Simon stated the MCA states that weather an inherent risk is known or unknown, the person assumes the risk of participation in any recreational activity and is therefore legally responsible for their own injury or death.
Angie Wintrow made a motion to give Tim Rauser permission to get the pool ready to go; Ken Urich seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The pool will only open if we have lifeguards.
Unfinished Business • White Annexation--Steve Erban asked to meet with a committee April 11th at 9:00 a.m.
• Water Committee--Vickie Rauser gave an update on the Water Committee meeting this week. They have proposed to move forward with our water system project and place the water tower at the airport site. Vickie Rauser made a motion to proceed with the water system project, with the tower being placed at the airport Matt West seconded it. Motion carried. Duane Holom asked if there wasn’t any other place to put the water tower. He would like to see the water tower on an empty lot in town.
• Water Court---Mayor Evans stated that we have received a couple of more objections and they’ve been forwarded to our Water Court Lawyer.
• Matt West asked Peter Simon if the updated pool manual is complete. Peter said that he’d have it complete with job descriptions and will have it ready by the next meeting.
• The Solicitor Ordinance will be effective on the 21st of April per Peter. At the next meeting there will be a resolution to set the fees associated with the ordinance.
• The Penalty Revision and Fees Committee will need another meeting soon.
New Business • The Pool Committee will need to meet soon. (Ken, Christina & Nate)
• Mayor Evans stated that during the last meeting, Tim McAlpine and the Chamber of Commerce presented the possibility of a sign board on the City of Townsend lot that will have all of the community events advertised. He’s still waiting to hear back from them with more information on the costs.
• Mayor Evans asked when the council would like to start on Budget Meetings? The city council will meet April 18th at 5:30 p.m. prior to the regular council meeting to go over last year’s budget for preliminary planning.
• Angie requested a Solicitor Meeting to discuss fees. It was decided the committee will meet April 11th at 10:30 a.m.
Round Table: Ken Urich asked about Blackfoot Communication, and Tim responded that they are going to run a cable up to Sandhill.
Claims: Ken Urich made a motion to pay Claims for March, Angie Wintrow seconded the motion, motion carried.
Adjournment: Ken Urich made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Vickie Rauser seconded the motion, motion carried.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30 p.m.