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Author: Tim Pool, Sons Of American Legion

SONS OF AMERICAN LEGION (SAL) SEEKING DONATIONS FOR AMERICAN FLAGS Tim Pool, Sons Of American Legion It is that time of year for the SAL Squadron to begin replacing the American Flags that are mounted upon the light poles along Townsend’s Broadway St. Traditionally, the Flags were displayed only during the warm-weather months, and the local businesses and private persons financially supported the purchase of the Flags. Businesses, residents, and the Chamber of Commerce now support having the American Flags displayed year-round.

Townsend’s “wonderful” weather fades, dirties and shreds the beautiful flags requiring many to be properly retired and replaced when needed. We sincerely appreciate the support of the Betsy Ross Associates (Creative Closet) in this effort by double-stitching the borders, and reducing the shredding!

We are seeking financial donations to allow us to purchase the replacement Flags. We appreciate all of the past support! Any financial support is greatly appreciated! Your donation, with your name and address, may be dropped off at the Legion Bar after 3 pm at 211 Broadway St. Before 3 pm, your donation with name and address may be placed in a sealed envelope marked FLAGS can be slipped into the Legion’s door mail slot. Tim can also come to you. The Legion is a Not-for-Profit organization, a receipt will be provided to you for your Tax records. You will also receive a beautiful placard recognizing your support that can be proudly displayed. If you have questions, please call/text Tim at 431-9487 (leave a message).

THANK YOU for helping us display the American Flag while supporting AMERICA, TOWNSEND, and those who Served Our Country and Continue to Serve Our Community.

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