This Week In History April 20
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”
April 20
“Juniors Top List of Students on Honor Roll”
The juniors again topped the list in the number of high ranking scholars at Broadwater high school ringing up eight honor students against four in any other class for the past six weeks, which is next to last of the school’s year. The honor roll follows:
Seniors: Katheryn Berberet, Lorrain Hancock; Florence Pennington, Faithe Rudeck.
Juniors: Andy Johnson, Leslie Jones, Alyce Riley, Rose Sanz, Vera Sorenson, Bill Watkins and Bill Weed
Sophomores: Bill Franklin, Dorothy Kirscher, Lawrence Simons, Marie Sterrett.
Freshmen: Mitzi Booher, Mary Ann Clare, Mary Ann Petersen.
“Elaborate Plans Laid for Annual Junior Prom”
The spring season’s outstanding social event will be the junior prom of the Broadwater County high school which event is to be a feature of April 29th. Already committees from the class are working to carry out a unique scheme of decorations and the Heinie Mockel orchestra of Bozeman has been engaged to play for this affair.
The four officers of the class will lead the grand march which will start at 10 o’clock according to the class supervisor, Lawrence Malmborg, who announces the election of the following committees: decorating – Willis Smith, Pryde Lenahan, Gene Sautter and Irene Moudree; punch – Gloria Kapinos, Rose Broderick, Joan McCarthy and Chas. Ragen.
Class officers are Jimmie Reynolds, Rose Sanz, Pryde Lenahan and Willis Smith.
The scheme of decoration is to be a tropical garden.
“Radersburg News’
Loretta, Sharley, Tillie and Helen Williams attended the Weiferich-Mockel wedding in Townsend last Wednesday.
Mrs. Jack Ralls and children, Steve and Terry, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aker in Helena.
The monthly Sunday school party was given Saturday night as a “Hobo Party”. Twenty-three children attended and had a wonderful time.
“Winston Willing Workers 4-H Club”
The fifth meeting of the Winston Willing Workers was held at the Lloyd Baum ranch. The meeting was called to order at 8 o’clock p.m. by Phyllis Masolo, president.
The club sang a song lead by Eddie Baum. The club pledge was said by the club. Secretary and treasurer, Wayne Whitehead, called the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting.
A demonstration was made by Phyllis Masolo on how to make a shank when sewing on a button. A talk on club congress was given by Wesley Diehl.
The meeting was adjourned by Janet Pigman and seconded by Dan Whitehead.
There were ten out of fourteen from the Winston Willing Workers went to hear Miss Ruba Slavens, who was chosen delegate of 1949 to make a tour through Belgium and France sponsored by the Agricultural service.
Reporter of Winston Willing Workers, Tony Schnabblregger
“Toston Briefs”
Mr. And Mrs. Lyal Middleton were Tuesday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Greaves.
Larry Miller was a weekend guest of Franklin Slifka who was home from Ennis for the weekend.
Mrs. Hattie Hargrove and Mrs. Harold Marks were business visitors in Bozeman Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Arden have moved to Bozeman where he has employment.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Meter of Helena, visited the Darrell Millers Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Campeau visited in Gallatin Gateway Friday with Mrs. Bern Roethle and Louie Campeau.
Gary Smith and Jeanne Greaves attended the music festival in Bozeman Saturday.
“Local News”
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Smith of St. Ignatius have been visiting at the home of his sister, Miss Salome Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Townsley, of Gallatin Gateway, visited Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holling and sons.
John Sautter was six years old Friday, April 14 and to celebrate the occasion his mother, Mrs. Jack Sautter, invited a number of his little friends in from 3 to 5 p.m. for games and cake and ice cream. Guests were Penny and Bart Doig, Rhonda, Teresa, Jeff and Debbie Olsen, Ronnie and Cindy Huckins, Virgil Lohr, Robbie Gillespie, Dean Helmick, D’Arcy Perry and Jeff Beaver.
“Winston News”
Jim and Chris Robison-Cox of Helena spent Saturday at the home of Chris’ parents, Jim and Rubie Cox.
Congratulations to Kerri Myles, daughter of Alfred and Molly Myles upon winning 2nd place when she competed in the Senior Division at the 4-H Demonstration Day at Townsend on Saturday.
Mrs. Esther Stroh of Deer Lodge spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Irene Herrington, and they visited in Toston and Townsend with family members. Mrs. Herrington has just returned from a week’s visit in Libby with her daughter and family, Lois and Gary Olson. Mrs. Herrington stayed with the children while Gary and Lois were in Seattle.