This Week In History April 6
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
April 6
“Canton Valley News”
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Gross and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tennyson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Weed were Sunday guests at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Sweeney and two daughters were in the valley on Monday looking after business matters concerning the ranch on Confederate Creek and also visited at the Will Daniels ranch.
Mrs. John Whaley went into Helena Tuesday to visit a few days with her daughter, Miss Doris Whaley.
On Friday, LaVella Morris, teacher of Canton district school, will have an Easter party for her school during which a part of the program will terminate in an egg hunt.
Mrs. John Plymale, Fred and Doris of Townsend spent the week end out at the ranch home on Duck Creek with her husband and other sons where they are busily engaged with the lamb crop. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Voss and sons are also assisting with the work.
“New Radio Shop Damaged by Fire”
An overheated oil stove from burning soot caused damage to the new Fisher Radio shop here early Monday morning. A passing person saw the heated stove and smoke from the opposite side of the street at about 6 a.m. and an alarm was sounded.
Clarence Fisher, who has sleeping quarters in the building, was unaware of the danger in the front room of the shop until he was wakened.
Damage was done to the hardwood floor and the place was blackened from smoke. Fisher had only been in his new building three months.
“Toston News”
Mrs. Walter Clark, who has been appointed census taker in this district, began her work on Saturday April 1.
Mr. and Mrs. James Plummer spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives at Baker.
Cleon Cass and Louis Anzik drove to Butte Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Greaves and Mrs. J.A. Greaves were in Bozeman on business Thursday.
At the Hard Time dance in Toston Saturday night, Frank Beyers and Mrs. Carl Kolberg were awarded the first prizes, for the best costumes and second prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Chet Wilcox.
“Radersburg News”
All children of the community join with this correspondent in thanking Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baxter for being instrumental in instigating an exciting Easter egg hunt Sunday at noon. Terry Harris, Wendie Williams and Oppie Smith helped hide the eggs for the hunt. The idea was for the benefit of the Easter Seal campaign. Those who donated eggs were George Harris, Bill Williams, Chuck Price, Bob Harris, Glen Griffith, Vic Findel, Art Roberts, Oppie Smith, W.D. Williams, John Williams, Bud Harris and Eli Toma. The children gathered at noon and swarmed the two lots east of the Cass home in search of the gaily colored eggs. One area was designated for the small fry and the other for the older children. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baxter donated the prizes, one for the older group and one for younger ones. Teddy Roberts won the rabbit, with 11 eggs and Connie Roberts won the chicken with 14 eggs. In spite of the high wind, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Sammy and Billy Harris and Denny Roberts went from door to door to inform all the children of the egg hunt.
“Radersburg News”
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls drove to Bozeman Monday to see “The Sound of Music” with Julie Andrews. They enjoyed it very much.
Blackie Ruede of Townsend is here again, living with Gordon Carlson in his trailer house.
Cole Graham, who has been working in Billings, visited the Wayne Miller family Saturday. He and Devon Miller returned to Billings Sunday. They have one more week before entering the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cobban and children, Joan, Johnny and Bert, of Winston visited Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Grandchamp and Mrs. A.D. Grandchamp and at the Charlie Hough home. Mrs. Cobban is the former Linda Doughty.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas, Terri, Patricia and Bobby enjoyed Easter dinner in Three Forks with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harris entertained Oppie Smith and son, Alan, of the valley, George Rollings and Mrs. Myrtle Ray at dinner Sunday. The occasion was Bud’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and Mrs. Myrtle Ray drove to Butte Saturday and picked up Mrs. Chuck Price and continued on to Galen to visit O.J. Allen. He is as well as can be expected.
“Appreciation Night for Myles”
An appreciation night, honoring Bob Myles, will be held this Saturday, April 8 at the Legion Club. The expression of thanks is being sponsored by the American Legion Post 42.
Bob is a 30-year member of Post 42 and is credited with enveloping the flag service for Townsend, assuming full responsibility of it. Regardless of weather, the flags were posted. He has seldom missed a military funeral during his 30-year membership with the organization. Bob worked for many years with Willard Whitehead at the Texaco station. He actively managed the Legion Club and partially retired from that when he assumed custodial duties with the Townsend Post Office, a position he has held until recently when he was severely burned in an accident at his home January 31. Finally, being hospitalized February 21 for the burns, Bob went through extensive skin grafts until his March 24th dismissal. Your attendance would give indication of the community appreciation for all the goodness that Bob has given of himself.
The evening will begin with a 7:30 p.m. beef dinner, cooked by Flynn and Scoffield, followed by a dance, music being furnished by the Fishers. The affair will be held at the Legion Club and is the Legion’s way of saying “Thanks, Bob” for your many years of giving. A free will offering will be taken.