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School Board Meeting March 14, 2023


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

School Board Meeting March 14, 2023 Nancy Marks School Board members tackled a number of issues and action items at the Tuesday night, March 14, meeting at the School Community Room. High on Superintendent Susie Hedalen’s agenda was explaining plans for the Strategic Planning meeting scheduled for March 20. Board and committee members have worked many hours and meetings preparing changes in the school curriculum. She explained three different groups will cover changes to the elementary, middle school and high school classwork, schedules and activities. “I really hope for good public participation because people need to be aware of the changes that are coming,” Hedalen said.

Hedalen also reported students were in Japan on their exchange trip. The board approved the Close-Up trip to Washington D.C. beginning March 18-26. Eight students will travel there. The board reviewed the issue of homeschooled students attending high school activities.


Janell and Pete Robishon will be retiring this year after 30 years of teaching in Townsend. Chairman Noyes thanked them for their service. Both teachers were given a $15,000 incentive. “Both of these teachers have played a vital role in the lives of our students for many years,” he said.

Kindergarten teacher Liz Wishman retired and after-school program leader Karsyn Sangray resigned. Both were approved by the board.

Wrestling Coach John O’Dell resigned from that position as well. The board approved his resignation with a comment from board member Todd Olson: “No wonder he is resigning! There are 75 kids signed up for little guy wrestling coming up!” he said.

Shane Swandal, project manager for the elementary building construction project, reported the internet connections were finally completed and construction on the two additional classrooms were on schedule. Bid proposals for the new roof are out.

During public comment, Stephanie Michaelson of Youth Connections Magazine asked the board members if the magazine could be put in the school. Chairman Jason Noyes asked that the administration clear the magazine for school use before the board would okay its availability in the school.

In other business, the board approved Lisa Campbell as a long-term substitute at $105 per day. Principal contracts for 2023-2024 were approved and paraprofessional Megan Osborne will receive a $300 stipend. The Summer Food Program was approved, and Todd Beatty has stepped up to be an activity bus driver. Middle School Principal Brad Racht has also agreed to be a half-time track coach.


The board moved the decision to accept the District Policy Review to their regular April meeting. Although five or six policy public meetings have been held, the board opted to put off the decision until all the policy changes and updates could be listed on the website for the public to review. “The issue of transparency for parents and staff is important in this case,” Olson pointed out.

Elementary Principal Christina Hartmann reported the 21st Century grant application was in and the grant for the summer program for reading and math had been received. The American Legion group presented the first graders with flags and the Lions ’Club presented the school hearing and vision equipment for testing the students.

Middle School Principal Brad Racht said middle school students would undergo state testing from March 15 to the end of April as well as the first week of May.

High School Principal Sheri Heavrin reported on the end of basketball season and Spring Sports beginning.