Broadwater County Commissioners Appoint Broadband Committee
 | Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Broadwater County Commissioners Appoint Broadband Committee Nancy Marks The Broadway County Commission has appointed a temporary advisory committee to help the county obtain improved and faster broadband internet service and get federal dollars to pay for it. The action was taken at the commission’s March 15 meeting. Named to the panel were Adam Six, Joe Gill, Vic Sample, Warren Smeltzer and Roger Flynn. All are county residents. Lindsey Richtmyer, the commission’s freshman member, promoted the idea of bringing in an advisory group to untangle complex issues related to broadband services.
Elected to the commission last November, she had campaigned on what she saw as a need for stronger communication between the public and officialdom.
The commission had publicly appealed for volunteers to serve on such a committee, noting that Broadwater County is among the most underserved counties in the state and that deadlines are approaching to apply for federal funds earmarked for improving broadband connectivity and speed.
In other action:
County Community Development and Planning Director Nichole Brown briefly reviewed Broadwater County’s Community Action Team Conference held last week. She said public concern centered around the lack of workforce housing, proactive city and county planning and the scarcity of childcare services. Forming a Community Land Trust to facilitate new housing and adding to the county’s growth planning department were recommended. She said the document produced by the conference is a good one for the community to move forward with and is not regulatory.
Commissioners approved the county recreation plan as presented by Brown. The plan was accepted to align with other interested community groups to apply for funding grants.
Commissioners approved a settlement agreement with Josh Peters of the county’s lawsuit against him over his attempt to close a cut-across on Dry Creek Road. Under the agreement, the county will install a cattleguard at a road crossing. All parties agreed to designating the disputed road as “county”.
At the request of Sheriff Nick Rauser, commissioners approved an agreement whereby the U.S. Forest Service will pay $3,500 as reimbursement for patrol and dispatch coverage by his department during forest fires. He uses the money to buy binoculars, thermal jackets and other equipment for sheriff’s officers.
Broadwater County Fair Manager Jessica Erickson presented bid awards for the upgrade of the fairgrounds 4-H building. Special K Plumbing won the heating contract for $12,500. Green Force Electric won the electrical work for $15,346. The commissioners approved the contracts. Money for the work comes from a $20,000 grant from Graymont Corp.
Commissioners agreed to sign a request by County Health Director Ruby Taylor to Rocky Mountain Development Council’s Agency on Aging for funds for the county’s existing homemakers program. She will ask for a fund increase of $29,000 for homemakers services to needy people, along with $1,000 for caretaker respite services and $8,250 for in-home skilled nursing.
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: County Commissioners