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Mikaela Kraft, FFA
MT43 News School Correspondent

FFA UPDATE Mikaela Kraft, FFA The 2022-2023 FFA year is almost to a close. Even though this means that we will be slowing down in everything we do, that doesn’t mean that this year's officer team will not go out in style.

We have been constantly advocating agriculture with all excitement. This would include our visit to the Capitol Building, the Gold Summit, National FFA Convention, Fall Fest, and more. We hosted an online silent auction and will be attending/competing in the state-wide FFA Convention.

When FFA was pondering how we may work the Silent Auction at the Ag Appreciation Dinner, we considered the realization that last year when we had our Silent Auction completely online, we made more money than we ever had at our in-person Silent Auction and the community was able to support us to a larger degree. Our main in-person silent auction has come to an end.

However, we provided the community with another opportunity to place bids! The Online Silent Auction was available to the whole community, as well as whoever could reach us, with the help of the Broadwater FFA Instagram and Facebook pages. This was available March 6-12 and we thank everybody who helped participate in it! We raised $986 in the online auction and it will help in supporting us for the state FFA convention!

The State FFA Convention is happening this week from Tuesday, March 21st through Saturday, March 25th. We have a Conduct of Chapter Meetings (Madison Zaharko, Emily Taves, Amy Peters, Jazel Ragen, Jacey Brunette, Sierra Sharrard, Sarah Morgan), Agricultural Sales (Ross MacDonald, Amanda Pesicka, Jacob Pesicka, Kayla Kraft), Creed Speaking (Kaitlyn Noyes), Bella Floriculture (Cassidy Flynn, Madlyn Schritz, Codie Skillman, John Sommer), Livestock Evaluation (Jacob Pesicka, Amanda Pesicka, Spencer Braaten, Kaitlyn Noyes), Meat Evaluation (Aidan Kitto, Spencer Braaten, Grace Kroeger, Ross MacDonald), and a Veterinary Science team (Amanda Pesicka, Ashley Sanderson, Kaitlyn Noyes, Kayla Kraft) competing in the state FFA competitions.

There are going to be many opportunities for everyone attending to participate in workshops to enhance their leadership skills. There will also be a career fair to allow students to explore careers, scholarships, and many other options in the next step of life outside of high school. This is just a small glimpse of what is held in the state FFA Convention. Next week we will dive even deeper into exactly what is going on at the State FFA Convention.

The Silent Auction is a great way to raise money for these high schoolers' futures and we couldn’t do it without the help of our community. We thank you all for supporting us in preparing the future generation for what lies in store as Future Farmers (and leaders) of America.