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Town Hall Meeting with Julie Dooling


Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent
MT43 News Correspondent

Town Hall Meeting with Julie Dooling Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent The opportunity to get to ask questions of, and hear, District 70 Representative Julie Dooling Sunday night at the American Legion was attended by a good dozen people. It was not quite the turnout expected; but those in attendance were ready with their listening ears and questions, after being provided with the House Republican Transmittal Packet (offering all the bills that are currently in the House) District 70 Demographics and a residential property tax pamphlet.

Dooling spoke of the things that affect the folks in Broadwater County. One of the things discussed is how advertising is situated on Highway 287 and State 12; especially sandwich boards and racks along the sidewalks, going through downtown Townsend. She said that the Department of Transportation, which is in charge of all things roads, has decided to put the power to the cities to decide how they want to deal with that issue. That could be good news for business owners along the thoroughfare.

Handicap parking was addressed; now, law enforcement has to meet with the offender and hand them a ticket. The new bill lets law enforcement leave a ticket on the vehicle’s windshield.

A hot issue is how children’s hospitals cannot charge Medicaid to give life-saving measures (like cancer) if that same hospital also provides gender reassignment services to those under 18. It enticed a few people to speak up for clarity. The bill also calls for therapy for those gender-dysphoric teens to be paid for by Medicaid. It’s important to have a mentally healthy population.

Dooling also mentioned that there are many opportunities for people who choose to go to college and learn about agriculture and animals. There are no new Livestock Inspectors coming up to replace those looking at retirement. Many departments and commissions have vacancies. There are three or four projects that are “shovel ready” and just waiting for funding. Taxes…appropriate taxation…is what can help get these projects off the ground.

Dooling closed by saying that next Legislative Session, Broadwater County is not likely to be a part of District 70. She hopes our incoming Representative is as responsive as she hopes.

If you want to contact Julie Dooling (and she encourages that): her email is; her office phone is 406-444-4800, and her home phone is 406-471-4125.

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PhotoCredit: Dee Gannon
Image 1 Caption: Julie Dooling Speaking at Town Hall Meeting
Image 2 Caption: Julie Dooling addressing JB Howick