Broadwater County Commissioners Agenda - March 15
Author: Melinda Reidy, Administrative Assistant
515 Broadway, Townsend
Meetings are held at the Flynn Building on 416 Broadway St.
Current and previously recorded meetings, official agenda, and minutes may be viewed on the website
Per Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 2-3-202, agenda must include an item allowing public comment on any
public matter that is not on the agenda of the meeting and that is within the jurisdiction of the agency conducting
the meeting. Public comments and items not on the agenda will be taken either in writing in advance of the
meeting or in person at the beginning of the meeting. Mail and items for discussion and/or signature may occur as
time allows during the meeting. Issues and times are subject to change. Working meetings will be posted on the
agenda and will not be recorded.
OFFICIAL agendas are posted in the Courthouse (1st floor bulletin board), on our website at, in the window of the Flynn Building at least 48 hours in
advance of the meeting, and in the Helena Independent Record (IR).
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
10:00 AM Discussion, Nichole Brown, Community Development & Planning
Director, Broadwater County Community Review Action Team
Conference Update
10:05 AM Discussion/Decision, Nichole Brown, Community & Development
Director, Louis Centa – Request to amend covenants for Lake Vista Lot 2
Subsequent Minor Subdivision
10:10 AM Discussion/Decision, Nichole Brown, Community Development &
Planning Director, Broadwater County Recreation Plan
10:20 AM Discussion/Decision, Jania Hatfield, Deputy County Attorney, Regarding
Settlement Agreement in Broadwater County v. Peters et al.
10:25 AM Discussion/Decision, Nick Rauser, Broadwater County Sheriff,
Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement between the County of
Broadwater and the USDA, Forest Service Helena-Lewis and Clark
National Forest
10:35 AM Discussion/Decision, Jessica Erickson, awarding contractor bid for
Fairgrounds (Graymont Grant)
10:40 AM Discussion/Decision, Lindsey Richtmyer, Broadwater County
Commissioner, Broadband Board members selected.
Items for Discussion / Action / Review / Signature – Consent Agenda
✓ Certificate of Survey review
✓ Management – on-going advisory board appointments
✓ Claims/Payroll/minutes
✓ County Audit / Budget
✓ Mail – ongoing grants
✓ Correspondence – support letters
Debi Randolph, Chairman (406) 266-9270 or (406) 980-2050
Darrel Folkvord, Vice Chairman (406) 266-9272 or (406) 980-1213
Lindsey Richtmyer (406) 266-9271 or (406) 521-0834
Future Meetings being held at the Flynn Building (416 Broadway)
➢ City/County Rec Board Meeting on March 20th at 6:00pm
➢ Trust Board Meeting on March 21st at 11:30 am
➢ LEPC Meeting on March 23rd at 1:00pm
➢ Fair Board Meeting on March 23 at 7:00pm
Article Images
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click on link to view pdf: 2023_March_13-17_Commission_Agenda_Official.pdf