Legislative Recap Weeks 7 through 9
 | Author: Julie Dooling, House District 70 Representative MT State Representative |
Legislative Recap Weeks 7 through 9 Julie Dooling, House District 70 Representative Weeks 7 thru 9 went from a fast pace to a fairly frenzied pace. We were facing a deadline to introduce General Bills on March 24, Friday Legislative Day 40 at the end of Week 8, so the days leading up to Day 40, we received a steady dump of last-minute bills to be introduced. As Committee Chair, we were obligated to schedule each bill assigned to our committee for a hearing. Some of the last few days we heard 8 to 10 bills each day.
In State Administration, the bills received a ½ hour hearing and had a 2-minute time limit for testimony, so that we could accommodate the hearing and still have time to execute an action, as each bill had to be reported by Tuesday evening, where the bills either passed or were tabled. Week 9, the last full week of committee meetings and floor sessions of the ½ half of the 68th Legislative Session.
We heard nearly 200 bills on the House Floor between Wednesday and Thursday, starting at 8 am and leaving late evening on Wednesday and after 10:30 pm on Thursday. Friday morning we clocked in at 9 am and were done by 10 am with the 70+ bills on the 3rd Reading. We were then ready to start our Transmittal Break.
During the marathon, I kept a list of a few bills I thought might be of interest. Bills that are not likely to make the official leadership list or the front page of the papers, but are good bills, nonetheless.
HB 548 - Revise penalties for criminal trespass while collecting antlers/sheds/horns. I’ve heard from many people over the years about the increased traffic and trespassing of those searching for shed horns. The trespassers cut fence, damage the ground/property and disrupt livestock in their quest for sheds. This bill puts a few more penalties and teeth into the current law.
HB 556 - Revise definitions related to daycare facilities and family daycare homes. This bill increases the number of allowable children per adult ratio if the daycare is private and not receiving assistance from the State. If you have children, you know how hard it is to find reliable childcare and this is a statewide issue.
HB 587 - Generally revise school finance laws related to property taxes. This bill is one of the many measures being proposed to assist in the property tax relief push.
HB 770 - Generally revise regulation of electronic and social media communications. The bill is based on a 2021 Texas law, to protect and shield citizens from Censorship by Social Media platforms.
I am spending a couple of days in Norfolk, VA visiting my son, who is in the Navy attending C School. I feel a bit bad leaving my husband behind to deal with the winter weather and the beginning of our calving season. I’ve enjoyed touring the area, seeing many historic sites, and being fully immersed in a community that supports its Military economy. The weather in Virginia Beach has been sunny and wonderful and it’s been rejuvenating to spend some time with Tyler.
Thank you for allowing me to be your Representative.
Julie Dooling
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