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Court Beat - March 3, 2023


Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent
MT43 News Correspondent

March 3, 2023 Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent The criminal docket in Judge Michael Menahan’s courtroom on Friday, March 3 is as follows:

Celia Kolar had an Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to felony criminal endangerment and misdemeanor DUI. The Omnibus is due on April 14; Pre-Trial is set for May 12; with the Jury Trial scheduled for June 6.

Ronald Krusemark had an Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to felony criminal endangerment, felony theft, felony criminal mischief, felony attempted to escape, misdemeanor assault, and misdemeanor criminal mischief. The Omnibus is due on April 28; Pre-Trial is set for July 28; with the Jury Trial scheduled for August 28.