This Week In History - March 23
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
March 23
“Crow Creek News”
Evan Kimpton was in Townsend Friday when the truck from the game farm in Helena arrived with a supply of Chinese pheasants to be let loose in Broadwater County. He returned with 17 hens and six cocks which he freed in the swampy parts of Crow Creek valley.
W.K. Parker and Geo. Harris attended the sale at the Hilger ranch just out of Helena last Saturday.
Wm. Kitto, Jim, Forrest, Pearl and Kenneth Kitto were in Great Falls Thursday attending the Hereford cattle sale where Mr. Kitto purchased two fine bulls to add to his heard. Mrs. Kitto accompanied them as far as Helena where she spent the day with her sister, Mrs. L.C. Ogle.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oyler and daughter, Alleen, of Manhattan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kitto.
“Townsend Shorts”
Several college students took advantage of the between quarter vacation and came home for the weekend. Coming from Missoula were Harry Fuhs, Judd Maynard, Jeff and Bill Doggett, Rose Cotter. Jim Nydegger, Tom Cotter came from Bozeman and from Dillon Tom Sweeney and Valley Williams.
Pat Duffy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Duffy, was one-year-old March 17th. A party was in order featured by a cake decorated with shamrocks. Green favors were used and the occasion marked by Mrs. James Reynolds and son, Danny, of Helena; Mrs. William Zabel and son, Jerry; Mrs. George Finnegan and son, Michael; Mrs. Arthur Schwisow and son, Paul, and daughter, Linda; Mrs. Willis Smith, Jr., and son, Randy; Mrs. Mark Moorman and daughter, Marla; Mrs. James Darnutzer and daughter, Linda Kay; Mrs. Robert Kieckbusch and son, David; and sister, Joanne Duffy.
“Scouts Enjoy Train Trip t State Capital”
Forty-nine Cub Scouts, den mothers and guests made the trip to Helena last Saturday via the Northern Pacific train which left Townsend about 11 o’clock. The scouts made a tour of the railroad shops, the museum and state capital. A sack lunch was enjoyed at the depot park.
Den mothers wish to thank the following for bringing cars to Helena for transportation home: J. Garrison Rains, Harry Anders, Tom McNulty, Larry Mullany, Mrs. Doug Midkiff and Joe Gross.
Following is a list of those making the trip:
Den 1 – Mrs. Chas. Grady and daughter, Ann; Mrs. Jim Harvey and daughter, Judy; David Arnett; Pat McNulty; Scott Whaley; Warren Hysell; David Harvey and Kent Grover, den chief.
Den 2 – Mrs. Bob Sullivan; Mrs. Lorin Waling and daughters, Cheryl and Valerie; Jim Valentine; Tommy Perry; Bruce Sandon; Steve Grover; Cleve Harrigfeld; Dan Chamberlain; Tim Ragen; Carl Sherwood and Mike Parry, den chief.
Den 3 – Mrs. Larry Mullany and daughters, Catherine, Margaret and Loretta; Russ Karhoff; Dick Grady; John McNulty; Bill Midkiff; Bruce Morrison; David Waling and Larry Mullany, den chief.
Den 4 – Mrs. Harold Kreis, Donald and David Kreis; Gary and Donald Richtmyer; Art Graham, den chief.
Den 5 – Mrs. Helen Burmaster; John Lampman; John Rains; Jim Huth; Harry Anders; Kelly and Lee O’Dell; David Evans; Scott Davis and Tim Hysell, den chief.
“Local Skiers Race at King’s Hill”
Seven members of the Grass Mountain Ski Club entered their first competition last weekend at King’s Hill in the northern Division Novice Midget Slalom and Downhill championships. They competed with skiers from all over the state who are veterans in competition racing.
Coach Alan Lundborg reports that Tom Perry placed 29th in the field of 125 entered in the slalom. Penny Massa placed 20th in the girl’s downhill. Tom Ragen, on unofficial time, placed third in this class. Robbie Ulmer was 60th in the downhill, with 135 entered and Tom Perry placed 49th.
The slalom course was very long with 40-45 gates, and the downhill run was one mile long with a vertical drop of 1200 feet. Racers reached a maximum speed of 55 miles per hour in the downhill. Others making the trip were Eddie Ulmer, Carl Sherwood and Scott Davis.
“Broadwater Jayceen Babysitting Clinic”
Those receiving certificates for taking the Broadwater Jayceen babysitting clinic on Wednesday, March 15 were: Lisa Croom, Valerie Merritt, Audrey Bruins, Bobbie Wells, Myrna Losey, Wendy Armstrong, Merla Sears, Debbie Doggett, Sherri Sofil, Colleen Helmick, Rozzie Cleveland, Cheryl Olsen, Brenda Newville, Cheryl Schendel, Scarlett Schendel, Trudi Steen and Patsy Wells.