This Week In History - March 30
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
March 30
“Local Briefs”
Miss Luella Watson is the guest of Mrs. J.D. Doggett this week. She returned recently from a trip to California and after a week or two will venture through the snow to open her summer home at Watson again.
Dr. John Whaley arrived here from Chicago last Thursday and enjoyed a five-day vacation with his mother, Mrs. John C. Whaley, and other members of the family at the home ranch. His sister, Miss Marry, arrived from Sidney for a Sunday visit at the family home.
“Canton Valley”
Mr. and Mrs. Antone Meyer of the Winston valley have recently installed electricity and a milking machine on their ranch which will be of great assistance to the aged couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bruce, who have been operating the Elmer Lytle farm for the past two years, have recently moved over to the old home place to be with Mr. Bruce’s mother, Mrs. Chas. Bruce, and to aid with the farm work.
“Crow Creek News”
Geo. Rauser and sons, George and Walter, were in Bozeman on Saturday at which time they entered some stock for the Winter Fair. Some Berkshire hogs were entered and Walter entered a fine Hereford calf.
Friends of Bill Webb will be glad to know he has been released from the Broadwater hospital and is convalescing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webb.
“Toston Briefs”
Herman Moudree spent the weekend in Helena with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller and daughters visited the Wayne Miller family in Radersburg one day this week.
Mrs. Olive Middleton, Nellie Greaves and Mrs. Pete Greaves attended the meeting of the Rainbow girls in Townsend Tuesday evening.
Mrs. and Mrs. Chris Arden visited friends in Winston Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anzik and Mrs. Jim Plummer transacted business in Helena one day last week.
Miss Olive Cain returned to her classes at Western College in Dillon Sunday after spending spring vacation here with her family.
Debbie and Betty Clark celebrated their birthdays Sunday with their families.
“Kenny Doig Wins First Grassy Ski Club Meet”
The first Inter Club Ski Meet, sponsored by the Grass Mountain Ski Club, was held Sunday at the ski run. It was a giant slalom run with racers making two runs with the best combined times winning. It was held for boys and girls, but only one girl, Candy Whitehead, entered and her time was 2:05.4. The boys were entered in two classes, with class No. 1 being in the age group of 10 to 13 and the second group ages 13 - 17.
The fastest combined time of all racers was made by Kenny Doig with 1:54.2. The fastest single run was made by Tom Perry with .554. Winners in the no. 1 class were Kenney Doig, first; Eddie Ulmer, second and Tommy Ragen, third. In the second class Robbie Ulmer was first, Tom Perry second and Scott Davis was third. Other racers were Victor Spatzierath, Bobby Francisco, 8 years old who did not enter competition, Ron Kieckbusch, John Rains and Gregg Sautter.
Timekeeper was Glenn Clopton and the starter was Allan Lundborg. The Ski Patrol was on hand to take care of any emergency. Allan Lundborg, who is coaching the racers, expressed his thanks to the officials for their help in making the meet a success.
“Auto Bank”
The State Bank of Townsend is looking forward to opening the new addition soon and the “Auto Bank” in the back of the building will be a welcome addition for convenience in Drive-In banking.
“Jefferson Award”
Frank Holloway received a Bronze Medallion during the award ceremony Monday morning in the Governor’s Reception Room at the Capitol in Helena. Frank was one of the most popular entrants in the state for the coveted Jefferson Award.
“Winston News”
Easter Sunday dinner guests of Bob and Gay Ann Masolo and David were Charlie and Wilma Masolo, John and Carol Masolo and Craig, Kurt and Kyle and driving up from Townsend were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan and Phyllis and Wesley Diehl and family.
Irwin Riis and his mother, Mrs. Minnie Riis, spent Saturday in Great Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myles drove to Butte on Saturday to spend the night and on Sunday drove to Fairmont Hot Springs where they joined their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Glynn and Lori for an Easter dinner.
Neil and Donna Moldenhauer, Scott and Todd and Julie Loessberg drove to Bozeman to enjoy having Easter dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Magnant and family.
Joe and Elaine Clark drove to white Sulphur Springs Easter Sunday to spend the day with their son, David, and his wife, Barbara, and children.