County Commisoners Meeting 9/19
 | Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Omicron, LLC, a Bozeman fiber optic company, presented a resolution to Broadwater County Commissioners at a September 19 meeting to ask for a public hearing regarding the issuance of taxable bonds to raise money for the fiber optic project. The company intends to start construction of the line from the Three Forks junction to Winston. Nathan Bilyeau, of Jackson, Murdo & Grant, a Helena law firm, explained the county would be a conduit issuer of bonds if the county commissioners, after a public hearing, would agree to allow the bonds to be sold. The county would not be liable whether the bonds passed, or if the bonds sold and the project failed. The bonds would be sold by an underwriter such as the City Bank of Chicago. According to Bilyeau, the issuance of taxable bonds of $60 million would enhance the project’s ability to win $17 million in AARPA funds. The company matches the $17million grant.
Dean Nelson, general manager of Omicron, LLC explained that the $20 million project would begin construction in 2025 if all funds are acquired. The project will run through the southern end of the county and 100 locations on the way to Winston along Hwy 287.
The commissioners passed a motion to allow the resolution to be presented at a public hearing after a three-week notice in the paper.
The board accepted the Townsend Schools' $7,635,000 annual budget as approved by School District #1 board members. Superintendent Susie Hedalen explained their budget was up from last year by about $335,000 because the schools have more students this year. She is having trouble hiring teachers for the additional classes. There are four kindergarten classes. If she cannot hire a teacher for the fourth class, she will use a paraprofessional to fill the position. The county funds Townsend Schools at 135.16 mills. Additional funds come from the State of Montana and from grant sources. Broadwater County Treasurer Melissa Franks officially signed the approved budget.
In other business, Community Planning Director Nichole Brown presented a discussion for a decision to allow for a boundary relocation for Susie and Ernie Carlson due to a utility location on their property on Hwy 284.
Toston rural resident Hal Plummer asked during public comment when the Commissioners received the Montana Dept. of Transportations scour report of the Toston Bridge. The report dated January 21, 2021, has no “date received by” stamped on the report by Broadwater County. He asked that the Toston Bridge question be put on the commissioner's meeting agenda again. No date was set.