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Great Day on Frozen Lake With Breath of Spring


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Great Day on Frozen Lake With Breath of Spring

Nancy Marks

Nothing could be finer than a day at play on frozen Canyon Ferry Reservoir when a hint of spring is in the air after a spell of bitterly cold weather.

That’s how it was last Sunday for ice boaters and ice fishermen at the Silos recreational area. It was a fine day too for a flock of Canada geese on open water near Townsend.

“Fantastic!” That’s how ice-boater Alan Kallio of Helena described it. “Today we have thirteen boats out, and the weather is just right,” he said. “An ice boater needs three things: good ice, good wind and a good day off!” he added.

The sun was shining and the temperature was in the high 40s. The wind was steady but mild enough that some anglers stayed outside of their portable huts.

Kallio, owner of Helena Boat Works, has been iceboating since 1971 when he built his first boat. He is the unofficial organizer of the unofficial iceboating club. “Sometimes we have as high as 45 boats out on the ice. People really enjoy it as a hobby. I repair boats and build boats at my shop. But mostly I spend my time out here enjoying the sport,” he said.

Asked if he organizes ice boat races, Kallio said races are inevitable. “You don’t have to organize races: when you have two boats on the ice, they will always race,” he laughed.

Originally from Butte, Kallio said that when miners were on strike, they would build metal iceboats. He said some still exist, however, they were not very satisfactory on the ice. “Metal boats do not give on the ice. Wooden ones give with every bump, so they are faster and hold up much longer,” he said.

In past years, the club regulars held classes to show newcomers the ropes, and how to navigate the ice and steer their boats. Although they no longer hold regular classes, they do help anyone who asks.

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Ice Sailing leader Alan Kallio shows off one of the ice boats he painted
Image 2 Caption: Ice Boaters prepare for another run. Ice fishing huts in the background.
Image 3 Caption: Canadian Geese on the Lake