What’s the Big Deal About Feral Swine?!
 | Author: Allison Kosto, MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent |
What’s the Big Deal About Feral Swine?! Allison Kosto, MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent Even though wild pigs may seem unthreatening, they are actually a really BIG deal costing the United States over $2.5 billion annually in damage and control costs. This was once a problem that seemed distant from Montana but is creeping closer and closer. There are now established feral swine populations in 39 states including North Dakota and southern Canada.
Swine were first brought to the United States in the 1500s by early settlers as a food source. Many livestock at this time were free range and escapees led to the establishment of feral swine populations which can happen in just a few generations. Additionally, in the 1900s, the Eurasian or Russian wild boar was introduced to parts of the United States for sport hunting. Wild hogs and boars are prolific breeders, producing four to eight piglets per litter and multiple litters per year. Their population is estimated at 6 million and growing. They have been shown to be adaptable to lots of climates and environmental conditions and lack natural predators.
Why should we care? Feral swine are considered an invasive species. They are extremely aggressive and equally destructive. They can destroy habitats and young wildlife. They are particularly damaging to ground-nesting birds by preying on nests, eggs and young animals. They have even been documented eating fawns, small mammals and reptiles. They also compete for food supplies. They can strip field crops in one night by eating and trampling crops and destroying wetlands. The destruction doesn’t end there; they can damage fences, irrigation ditches, livestock feeders, irrigation lines, tree seedlings, power poles and the list goes on.
Additionally, feral swine can spread diseases and parasites to people, pets and livestock. Wild pigs are susceptible to at least 30 transmittable diseases and host to over 35 types of parasites. Of the 30 diseases, 20 can be transferred to humans. They are also carriers for major waterborne pathogens including e. coli, salmonella and giardia.
Feral swine are difficult to control for many reasons. A group of swine is called a sounder. If the entire sounder isn’t killed and some escape, they can continue to breed leading to exponential growth and will learn how to evade hunting and capture attempts. Some sounders have been known to turn nocturnal in order to do so.
In 2015, the Montana legislature passed a law banning feral swine. The following actions are prohibited: importing, transporting or possessing live feral swine; intentionally allowing swine to live in a feral state; hunting, trapping or killing feral swine; intentionally feeding feral swine; and expanding the range of feral swine. It’s extremely important to note that hunting feral swine is illegal in Montana. Although this may seem counterintuitive, research has shown that recreational hunting further disperses the population and leads to exponential growth. A targeted approach to eradicating feral swine is much more successful and is the tactic the state of Montana plans to take if and/or when feral swine reach our state.
Report possible sightings of feral swine to the Department of Livestock (DOL) at 406-444-2976. You are required to report sightings within 24 hours. When in doubt, still report! It is better to be safe than sorry. The DOL will research the sighting and make the determination. The introduction of feral hogs would be devastating for Montana.