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Adult Education Offers Opportunities


Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent
MT43 News School Correspondent

Adult Education Offers Opportunities Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent Broadwater High School has so many opportunities for people of all ages in our community. As much as the school tries to offer opportunities through the school website and the school app, it normally doesn’t get recognized by the majority of the community. There are many opportunities to learn about topics such as financial wellness, crafts and hobbies, gardens and landscapes, and health and wellness. These are only topics, and the classes that are enveloped in these generalized topics reach a wide variety of interests.

I attended one of these classes early this last week. I may not have gotten to participate considering I am a high school student, however, the whole experience was still eye-opening. The class was friendly and welcoming. There was no strict distinction of different statuses, this meant that instructors and students were treated as a friend would. The first lesson of the class that was taught was direct and easy to understand. As a bystander, I learned a lot and those who participated benefitted from the lesson.

This was the laser engraving class offered by Mrs. Loughery under the hobbies and crafts topic. In the beginning, we discussed the different projects a laser engraver can produce. It could make binders, signs, and styled water bottles, and it can even spruce up a silicone watch band. Students were taught the foundation of laser engraving. This included parts of the laser engraver, the x, y, and z-axis rotations, and maintenance for the laser engraver. Students were also given their first project, engraving a stainless steel cup that they had the opportunity to take home that night. They went through the process of choosing their design and were finally given the chance to learn by doing. Mrs. Loughery told the students what to do as they navigated the computer and the laser engraver to finish the job.

This was a two-hour class and the finished product held feelings of great achievement and reward. This was the class’s tutorial and for the next three weeks, every Tuesday evening, these students will get the chance to work on a larger project of their choice. As an adult who is no longer in school, something new is learned every day. Broaden the horizons of the knowledge you already have and learn a skill with those in the Broadwater community about anything you desire to learn.

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PhotoCredit: Mikayla Kraft
Image 1 Caption: Stainless Steel Engraved travel mug made in Laser Engraving Class