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Rodacker Ramblings: Time Travel
Author: Gerry Rodacker

Rodacker Ramblings: Time Travel Gerry Rodacker When winter sets in, most times there isn’t much to do. We watch TV, play cards ( if you are lucky enough to find a group wanting to play), attend school functions, or watch old movies.

I recently watched, again, the movie “Back to the Future”. When something happened in the past it may affect the future of a certain family. So, it was necessary for the characters to go back in time and rectify the situation. Interesting! How did they do it? The solution was to build a time machine.

They started by using a 1981-1983 DeLorean DMC12 because they are all made of stainless steel. A car strong enough to hold the onboard nuclear reactor powered by plutonium. The reactor is connected to the flux capacitor. The flux capacitor is needed to generate 1.21 gigawatts of electrical power.

When the vehicle travels at exactly 88 miles per hour (142 Kilometers/hour) light from the capacitor sends out a pulse sending you into time travel according to the movie. I don’t believe there is a computer made anywhere to disengage at the exact moment needed for re-entry. Maybe there is, I don’t know.

I do know NAPA would say that plutonium is unavailable. The Atomic Energy Commission would call the authorities and DeLoreans are very rare. So, no luck there. Even if one could do this, I wonder if star alignment, moon phase, planet position, or zodiac sign could have anything to do with time travel! Maybe Mr. Ross can help.

Science is full of unknowns. Today space study has given us information our last generation had no clue about. And I believe that we have just touched the beginning of learning what’s out there.