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Food Pantry Update - February 20, 2023
Author: Karoline Nelson, Operations Manager

Food Pantry Update - February 20, 2023 Karoline Nelson, Operations Manager The Mountain Valley Church will be staffing the food pantry during the month of March.

Food pantry supplies were distributed to 18 families consisting of 28 family members on February 18th.

There will be a board meeting on March 2nd at 7 pm at the food pantry.

A big Thank You! to the Townsend K-12 school staff for their recent food drive.

We are currently signing up those that would like an Easter meat (chicken or ham). You will be able to sign up on March 4th and 18th. The meats will be distributed on April 1st. If you are unable to pick up your meat, you can send a note and have someone pick it up for you.

The food pantry will only be open for the distribution of food and receiving foods on the first and third full weekends. If there is a 5th Saturday, we will be open then also. If these days are inconvenient for any donating food, please notify Karoline or Daryl at the numbers below. If our needs pick up, we will return to our previous distribution dates.

If you are dropping off food donations during off hours, please do not leave them at the back door. They may go unnoticed and especially with the freezing temperatures, the food may freeze.

Distribution hours: Saturday distribution hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45. Distribution outside of the normal hours is for emergencies and on an individual basis. Emergency food needs can be distributed by calling Karoline Nelson at 406-438-3981 or Daryl Blumhagen at 406-980-0800.

How to Donate: Bob's Supermarket has donation boxes at the checkout counters. For donations of meat or other perishable items or for emergency food distribution, please call Karoline at 406-438-3981 or Daryl at 406-980-0800. The food pantry is open to accept donations from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the first and third Friday of the month. You may mail cash donations to Broadwater Food Pantry, P. O. Box 1164, Townsend, MT 59644. The food pantry is located at 315 Broadway.