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County Takes Another Stab at Upgrading Road to Goose Bay


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

County Takes Another Stab at Upgrading Road to Goose Bay Nancy Marks Public Works Supervisor TJ Graveley presented a request for monies to have Great West Engineering apply to the Federal Lands Access Program for a grant to upgrade the county road from Highway 284 to Goose Bay. At the commissioner meeting on Wednesday, Feb 15, the commissioners voted to approve the $7,500 to apply for the grant.

The Western Federal Lands project began when the Bureau of Reclamation rebuilt the Goose Bay Recreation Area in 2016, according to Graveley. Monies to upgrade the county road were not included in the cost of the project at around $8 million. The road upgrade would have been around $ 2.2 million, some of which would have had an in-kind cost to the county.

Because of the heavy summer tourist traffic, which makes the road wash boarded, the road conditions have been a bone of contention among the residents at Goose Bay since then.

Under another new administration of the Federal Lands Access Program the present grant, if received by Broadwater County, would be 100% paid for by Western Federal Lands. The grant will not be awarded until 2025. In the interim Graveley said his crews would continue putting Magnesium Chloride on the county road from the highway to the first set of houses. Crews will continue grading the remainder of the road.

Commissioners discussed the approval of Gayle Watson’s Cook’s Landing Building for Lease or Rent (BLR) application. The second application for approval would include three duplexes on the 21.06-acre parcel, which also includes two duplexes already in place just north of Cook’s Mansion off Highway 287. Questions included whether the subdivision road, Buckeye Road, is a public road or private and could Watson subdivide each of the units which are on separate two-acre lots. The BLR will be on the commissioner's March 1 agenda.

Community Development and Planning Director Nichole Brown, by phone, discussed an application to quiet Lot 8 Subsequent Minor Subdivision located on Huestis Road near Interstate Highway 90 off Old Town Road. Owners Gary Flora Bay wish to split the 60-acre parcel into two parcels with a shared driveway. Commissioners gave approval with conditions about the shared driveway.

It was suggested that the county install a stop sign at Huestis and Old Town Roads. The application comes up for approval on the March 1 commissioner agenda.

Undersheriff Brandon Harris requested the okay to purchase a Snowbulance Deluxe for Search and Rescue board. With a $10,000 anonymous donation, the department can purchase the much needed specialized piece of equipment for rescuing victims in both winter and summer accidents. The Snowbulance comes with both skis and wheels.

The commission approved Harris’s request to use $11,320 to purchase the equipment. Commissioner Lindsey Richtmyer recused herself from the discussion since she is a member of the Search and Rescue board.

The commissioners voted to approve a waiver of the conflict of interest between Broadwater County and the Silverman Law Office, Helena. Joseph Silverman is a transactional attorney who specializes in construction. Silverman has been suggested to oversee the design and building of the proposed county public safety facility in the south end of the county. The commission voted on Feb. 8 to hire Silverman Law Office to oversee the design.

According to Deputy County Attorney Jania Hatfield, Silverman also represents Bridger Brewing.

Commissioners approved signing a contract with Westaff, Helena to handle the county’s Human Resources (HR) work. All HR work was previously handled by the county’s accounting department, but the regulations and expansion of employee numbers turned the job into a full-time position. The open-ended contract with Westaff is for $1,950 per month.

In other news, Commissioner Darrel Folkvord reported on the final plans for remodeling and updating the 4-H building and solid waste system. Gruber Excavating and AV Construction of Bozeman will begin the project on March 1. Construction of the 4-H Livestock Pavilion will be proceeding during the same period. Contractors of both projects aim to be finished by June 1.

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Commission Meeting