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Lights, Camera, Action!


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Lights, Camera, Action! Nancy Marks Broadwater Community Theater (BCT) is producing an outstanding event to interest theater enthusiasts in supporting the next theater season.

Sponsors and friends will enjoy fancy hors d’ oeuvres, beverages and a great program Saturday, March 4 beginning at 5:00 pm at The Lodge, 131 S. Spruce in Townsend.

Broadwater Community Theater made its debut in 2018. Except during the pandemic, the thriving group has produced or underwritten performances by Broadwater High School speech and drama, Shakespeare in the Park's 50th anniversary, Aladdin and Lenna Parr’s ballet students.

The evolution of a community theater came out of the Fun For Life arts program which funds scholarships for Broadwater County grade school students in art, theater, music and foreign language.

The nonprofit organization has given scholarships and helped produce a yearly grade school talent show since 1996.

BCT board members have invested in the community theater with purchases of a professional lighting and sound system for the Lodge building auditorium. The venue is perfect for BCT’s performances.

The group works with the STOKE after-school student program to promote children’s activities.

Sponsorships and donations from the fundraiser will allow the community theater group to continue the exciting work of producing a spring show and a summer theater production for children as well as support two summer camp scholarships to Grand Street Theatre in Helena.

For more information or donations, please contact Nancy Marks at (406) 980-0592 or board members LaRinda Spencer, Tina Homann, Pat Plantenberg, Carla Amundson or Birdi Kribs at the Bird’s Nest.

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Graphic to accompany the article.