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Wash Your Clothes With A Bulldog


Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent
MT43 News Correspondent

Wash Your Clothes With A Bulldog Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent The laundromat on Spruce has been closed for months; but, in that time, Chase Ragen and his family have refurbished it, setting the opening for Wednesday, February 15, 2023.

Ragen bought the laundromat originally, to expand the offices of Farm and Ranch Credit Services. However, when plans for opening a different laundromat by another party fell through; he was encouraged by the residents of Townsend to scrap his previous plan and continue the laundromat in its current location.

He and his wife, Daniela, went to Boise and while there, they checked out what is new in the business of laundry service. It was a great insight into what others are doing; and expanded his own ideas into something he could implement in Townsend. He has changed things a bit…now the front door is located at the far end of the building; he has card readers for credit, debit and Apple/Google Pay on all the machines, so no need to bring a cup of quarters, although you still may, the readers are there for convenience.

There are eight washers and six dryers,12 new machines in all. Two 30 lb. (triple loaders), four 20 lb. washers, and two top loaders. All six dryers are waiting to be heated up and spinning. There will be folding tables, too; something the ‘old’ laundromat was missing.

Chase wanted to let everyone know that he has installed three live feed cameras, that go directly to his phone; thereby providing safety to patrons, as well as a vandalism deterrent.

On order are electronic soap dispensers; so, you can leave your jugs at home. They should be installed in the next few weeks, hopefully. Chase Ragen, Vice-President of Farm and Ranch Credit Services, is a sixth-generation family (he expresses that his children are the seventh) of Broadwater County. “I love this town, this county, and its people. Whatever I do, it's in service to the greater good.”

Three cheers to Chase and the BULLDOG LAUNDRY. Now we, as Townsendites, can once again be clean and happy.

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PhotoCredit: Dee Gannon
Image 1 Caption: Chase and Daniela Ragen working hard to get Bulldog Laundry ready to open.