Blood Drives
| Author: Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Blood Drives Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent Blood drives are becoming increasingly important in society and there is a shortage of blood across the country that needs to be addressed. The student council had the great idea to put on a blood drive in the community room. There were many upperclassmen who were eager to participate along with many community members. This resulted in 33 units drawn to provide to those in need in one blood drive alone.
There are three main types of donations to make: whole blood, power red, or platelet donations. A whole blood donation is very flexible as to what it can do. The blood can either be transfused straight to the recipient, or separated into its separate components to provide many uses to patients in need. For those who give whole blood donation in Montana, you have to be 16 years old and weigh over 110 pounds. The power red donation can be donated by males over the age of 17 and by females over the age of 19. This type of donation takes some of the parts of the blood that is used in everyday life and returns the plasma and platelets back to the body. The platelet donation uses a machine to remove platelets as well as plasma and returns the red blood cells and most of the plasma to you. You may be eligible to donate platelets by the age of 16. It is important to be in considerably good health if you plan to donate soon.
There are so many people who are suffering from cancer, extreme illnesses, and even injuries that are in desperate need of blood. I encourage you to find a donation center around the county. If you are afraid of needles, donating blood can take just minutes. One moment of discomfort can save someone’s life! There is also never a worry of not having the right type of blood because all blood types can be used when donating!
Our school body is eager to possibly introduce another blood drive within the community of Broadwater County in the near future! Visit the Red Cross website to learn even more about the blood donation process. I urge you to give donating blood a try. Who knows? You could save a life.
Editor's Note: Billings Clinic is sponsoring a community blood drive on March 2, 2023, from 11:30 to 3:00 at Billings Clinic Broadwater. Reservations are recommended. Also, the American Red Cross does a blood drive every 2 months in Townsend. The next Red Cross blood drive is on February 22 at the United Methodist Church in Townsend. Reservations are recommended but the Red Cross does accept walk-ins. To make an appointment with the Red Cross go to
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PhotoCredit: Mikayla Kraft
Image 1 Caption: Stock photo of someone donation blood