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Tree Board Receives Anonymous Donation


Patrick Plantenberg, Tree Board Chair
Townsend Tree Board Chair, Townsend Rotary Club

Tree Board Receives Anonymous Donation Patrick Plantenberg, Tree Bosrd The Townsend Tree Board would like to thank the anonymous donor who contributed $10,000 to the Tree Board last week. The money is to be used to do a special project and not just for operating expenses. Initial plans call for replanting McCarthy Park trees. Over the last 18 years, the Tree Board has completed planting in Heritage, Veterans, Massa, and Holloway parks. McCarthy Park is next in line to remove old and dying aspens and cottonwoods and to replant with a diverse mixture of new trees more adapted to a park setting. One tree was already removed this spring. This new money will be used to grind that stump this week!

This donation essentially doubles the Tree Board budget for the year. The $10,000 from the City is used to hire Teri Blahnik to water trees throughout the year. Normally, Tree Board volunteers must sell trees to private citizens, plant them, and prune and/or remove trees for private citizens to make enough money to complete a project like replanting McCarthy Park. Now we have enough money to pursue the McCarthy Park project, work to find a carver to carve two stumps in the Heritage Park playground into cartoons or some other characters, and replant any new trees at the school when final construction work is completed.

To the anonymous donor: Thank you so much for taking so much pressure off the aging Tree Board volunteers to make the $10,000 needed to do McCarthy Park, Heritage Park carving, and the school replanting work.

Rumor has it that other service groups in town (i.e. Rotary, Search & Rescue, etc.) have also received donations from the same anonymous donor. I can only tell you how important this influx of cash will help these organizations.