Legislative Recap Week 3 and Week 4
 | Author: Julie Dooling, House District 70 Representative MT State Representative |
Legislative Recap Week 3 and Week 4 Julie Dooling, House District 70 Representative I can’t believe that we’ve already been in session 4 weeks. House State Administration Committee has heard nearly 40 bills thus far.
My husband, Joe, and I participated in the FFA Fusion Career Summit. Joe spent 2 evenings interviewing the High School students (I helped the 2nd evening) who were working on their leadership and personal growth pathways.
January 17th, I had the pleasure of having breakfast with a great group of 4-H’ers from Broadwater County. It is so wonderful to connect with these students who are participating in a wide array of projects.
On the 19th, Governor Gianforte held his Annual Prayer Gathering, a morning program full of prayer, scripture, and powerful hymns, featuring Wylie Gustafson (of Wylie & the Wild West). Later that week, I was also able to join a group of legislators on a tour of the Crossroads Correctional Center, in Shelby. It was enlightening to actually go behind the razor wire and concrete walls to see the heart of the facility, the inmates and the correctional staff.
Week 4 highlight was the State of the State.
Governor Gianforte spoke for nearly an hour, recognizing legislators and proposing legislation that supports his mission for the state – CTE, enhanced learning opportunities, tax cuts and improving Montana’s economy. One tax cut bill, HB 189, revises the Property Tax Assistance Program and provides graduated levels of tax assistance to help Montana Residents with limited or fixed income, passed unanimously out of the house 100-0.
HB 198, which I sponsored in support of Townsend’s main street businesses, has successfully passed out of the House and is on its way to the Senate. JB and I made it this far last session and hold out hope that it will make it to the Governor’s desk this time! In Transportation, we heard HB 26 proposes to remove the nighttime delivery restriction and allow commercial hay haulers to drive at night. Another Country of Origin Labeling bill, LC 2323 (no HB # issued yet), should be making its way to House Agriculture shortly.
On to Week 5! Thank you for the honor of being your Representative.
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