STOKE Fundraiser Valentine's Day Party
 | Author: Patrick Plantenberg Townsend Tree Board Chair, Townsend Rotary Club |
STOKE Fundraiser Valentine's Day Party Patrick Plantenberg Lovers: Looking for something fun to do on Valentine’s Day with your sweetie and to help support a good cause? STOKE (Science, Technology, Outdoor Knowledge, and Entrepreneurship) is having its second annual Fun’Raiser and Dinner at the Lodge on February 14.
This is not your ordinary fundraiser!
Yes, there will be a dinner, a typical silent auction, 50-50 ticket sales, etc. but there will be fun activities involving audience participation, chances to win big prizes up to $500 in value, and many ways to impress your sweetie by spending money.
Last year CUPID showed up to entertain the crowd. This year the mythical St. Valentine himself, the Prince of Romance, has promised an appearance to engage with the crowd and help you spend your money.
Get your tickets at Reading Leaves-seating is limited to 60 people. Bring cash and your checkbook! To learn more about what STOKE is and what it has done for kids in just 3 years, visit their Facebook page at:
All STOKE programs are free of charge to kids. If you can’t attend and would like to donate to STOKE call Amanda Domino at 406-459-7379 or go online @