Bulldogs Drama Team Brings Home State Class B Championship
Author: Denise Bakkum, Speech and Drama Coach
"Bulldogs Drama Team Brings Home State Class B Championship"
The Townsend Bulldog Drama Team won the Montana Class B State Tournament on Saturday, January 28 in Manhattan, Montana.
48 schools. 260 competitors. We brought 18 and after two days of intense competition, 15 made it into the Top 8. These kids know how to ACT! But, did you know?
Will, Cassidy, Jonah, Sienna, and Kayden were on the State Championship Drama team in 2020 as freshmen.
Cassidy, Jonah, Kayden, Cooper, and Aidan were on the State Championship Drama Team in 2021.
Will, Cassidy, Jonah, Sienna, Kayden, Cooper, Aidan, Trista, Riley, Havyn and Scarlett were on the 2nd Place State Drama Team in 2022.
Your math is correct. This team has brought home a championship state trophy 3 times. And that other year? They came in second to the always FANTASTIC Huntley Project team.
Before you look at the coach (Head Coach Denise Bakkum), let me be the first to tell you that these creative, funny, smart, energetic and amazing people are the REAL DEAL. They are LEGIT. They take scripts no one has touched and turn them into trophies. They build the props, create the costumes, and bring the DRAMA. They trust me when I tell them that they are funny.
They trust each other even when they are each other's biggest competition. They break my heart and make me laugh. They don't do it for the crowd, because not many are watching. They don't do it for the glory, because not many notice. They just do it. And they love it. And they are so good at it. And I'm just so proud of them all.
On behalf of the team, Coach Allie Lampman and myself, thank you Townsend!
When we competed the entire COVID season in our own high school, our fire department paraded us through town to celebrate our State championship! When the weather was horrible and the hour was late, our police department escorted us home from our State Championship wins!
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PhotoCredit: Townsend School System
Image 1 Caption: The Broadwater High School Speech and Drama team pose with their state championship plaque.