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What Are You Going Doing To Do About It
Author: Sam Goode

What Are You Going To Do About It? Sam Goode Are you outraged? Are you scared to death or overwhelmed? There is a lot of that going around. No matter what your political affiliations are, living now is like riding blindfolded in the back seat of a speeding car. As the vehicle rolls over hills and barely negotiates sharp turns, our stomachs rise up in the free falls. We wonder aloud, “Who is driving this outfit? Where are we headed anyway?”

I never was one for roller coasters or murder mysteries so current events shock me plenty! There are too many riddles and not enough solutions. What to do? Many friends of mine start their days by immersing themselves in the raw sewage of network news. They try to outdo one another with reports of the most hideous nature. It's too many for me. Maybe they are the ones that like scary carnival rides and crime movies, too. I dunno. Just the commercials make me weep.

Lately, however, I've found a way to slow them down--to steer the conversation away from the terror. The simple question, “What are you going to do about it?” will usually bring about a pause to the rant. “Me? I can't stop those SOBs!” And off we go again.

As troublesome as the corporate pirates and their stooges in the media are, they can do nothing to change the laws of the universe or delay divine judgments. Karma doesn't dilly-dally. You can go down with them; either by going along with the new dogmas or by doing nothing but sticking your head in the sand. It is not a time for inaction. By not doing anything, you are abetting further abuse from the tyranny.

To be sure, it is discouraging to witness the cultural manipulations of power-mad billionaires, but it's a cop-out to think we can't make a difference. Each of us has substantial power and influence. We only have to understand where it lies and not be blown off course by foul reports from faraway places. The mission starts in our hearts. If we are offended by immorality, we need to get our own house in order. If we see an unkind world, we need to exercise kindness wherever we find ourselves. If we long for justice, we ourselves must be more just. Hopefully, when we look in the mirror, we will see a radical revolutionary that can't be defeated. . . a wild lover that shall transform our civilization!

Even in these chaotic times, it is possible to lead a victorious life and be an agent of change for the better. Seek and love your Creator. Love and help (also forgive) your neighbor. We can fix the little things in our midst, and encourage the wounded along our path. Yeah, that may take us out of our comfort zones, but the dividends are lasting. It's where the rubber meets the road—and where our great power lies.

Love makes the world go 'round . . . and the lack of love makes it squeak as it turns.