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This Week In History - Feb 9


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

"What Happened this Week in History” Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

February 9


“Radersburg News”

Eddie Crowe celebrated his 8th birthday Sunday, February 5th. A merry group of youngsters met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Crowe for an afternoon of games and fun. The big birthday cake and ice cream were enjoyed by all. Those invited were Boyd and Vera Bomar, Bill and Charlotte Williams, Donnie Leach, Joe, Charlie and Donnie Holling, Danny Cromrich, Georgia Sue Anderson, Johnny Easterly and Eddie Crowe, Margaret Ann Williams of Townsend was also present.

Earl Webb had the misfortune to have his arm broken Friday. He was thrown from a horse.

Miss Margaret Ann Williams of Townsend was a week end visitor with relatives in Radersburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brendt and family of Winston were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Edenfield and family in Radersburg.


“Toston News”

A very attractive new neon sign and clock were installed on the front of the Mitchell grocery and post office last week, the work being done by Borg and Simons of Townsend.

Mrs. C.V. Flynn, Miss Louise Flynn and Mrs. George Flynn and children spent Saturday in Bozeman.

NOTICE: - There will be a dance at the Recreation Center in Toston Saturday night, February 11. There will also be a box supper. Come and bring your friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marks and daughter, Nancy, visited in Toston Sunday.

Mrs. Byron Johnson returned Friday from a three weeks visit with relatives in Chicago.


“Two Townsend CAP Cadets Win Honors”

At a Civil Air Patrol Wings screening board meeting held in Helena last Saturday and Sunday, Cadet Lt. Pete Nash was selected to visit the Air Force Missile Rocket and Research Center at Chanute Air Force Base in Illinois this summer for a week as a guest of the Air Force.

This award is given to outstanding Cadets who show above average interest and ability in science, physics and chemistry, which ties in with the dawning space age.

Cadet Nash was also selected to represent Montana at the Regional Cadet Advisory Council meetings to be held at Colorado Springs, Colo., in May. This Cadet Advisory council is composed of top cadets who meet and discuss ways and means to improve the cadet program, at the squadron, wing and national level.

Also at the screening Cadet Lt. David Kearns was awarded a solo flight scholarship. This flight scholarship will enable the student pilot to complete all phases of flight training through the solo stage. A total of six flight scholarships were given this year by Montana Wing Civil Air Patrol.

The Townsend cadet drill team, under the supervision of Cadet Commander Warren Lavinder, will put on a drill exhibition during half time at the basketball game here Saturday night, Feb. 11. Why don’t you come out and watch them?

The cadet squadron of Civil Air Patrol is a regular part of the aviation education curriculum in Broadwater County High School.


“Judy Crum is Candidate for Miss Western Title”

Miss Judy Crum, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Crum, is a candidate for the title of Miss Western. The Miss Western Pageant will be held Saturday evening, Feb. 25, at Western Montana College in Dillon. She is sponsored by the Women’s Recreation Association.

Judy is a graduate of Broadwater County High School, class of 1966 and is a freshman at the college. She is majoring in business.

“Scouts to Observe Scout Week with Special Activities”

National Cub Scout Week, in conjunction with National Boy Scout Week, is being celebrated this week – Feb. 7 through Feb. 13.

The Cub Scouts have a window display in McCarthy Agency’s window showing things they have accomplished in the past. Their slogan this year is “Scouting Rounds a Guy Out” and this is depicted in their display.

They will go to church in their uniforms this Sunday, Scout Sunday, as a group.

There are five dens with a total of 32 Cub Scouts. Den Mothers and their assistants are: Mrs. Ervin Kaul, Mrs. Abe Fandrich, Mrs. Robert Kincaid, Mrs. Leonard Lavender, Mrs. Chuck Holling, Mrs. Don Wogamon, Mrs. Robert Kenney, Mrs. John Ryan, Mrs. Norm Brown and Mrs. Dale Davidson.

Cub Master is Dale Davidson and his committee is Chuck Holling, Fred Foster and Jim Graham.

The annual Blue and Gold Banquet will be held next Thursday evening, Feb. 16 in the multipurpose room at 6:30. This is for the Scouts and their parents.


“East of Townsend”

Scott Whaley of Dillon was a Friday overnight guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Whaley and attended the Townsend-Big Timber basketball game Friday evening.

Kathy Plymale accompanied her father, Bill Williams, to Bozeman Thursday where they took in the Winter Fair.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ragen were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams at Radersburg.

Lloyd Toeckes, Diane and Gary Graveley and Don and Joanne Marks played cards Saturday evening at the home of Alice and Don Summerfelt.

Don, Shawn and Tammy Lewis did some roping Sunday at the Higgins Barn.

Dr. William O’Brien is teaching a class on Dental Hygiene one day a week at Carroll College in Helena.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Grover spent the weekend in Missoula at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grover and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer, Mr. and Mfrs. Steve Doane and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Plymale were among those attending the Fiddler’s Jamboree Sunday at Deep Creek.