This Week In History - Feb 2
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History” Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”
February 2
“Local Briefs”
Miss Mary Whaley arrived here from Sidney for a week end visit with home folks. Miss Marie Bliler and her father, Chris Bliler, motored to Helena Wednesday afternoon. Miss Adele Hardy returned home from Helena for the week end. She finished up her first week working in the Montana Power office there. Members of the tentative Townsend Ski Club held forth again Sunday in the Bowl and some tried out the old slope at the top of the divide. It was a little blustery, but good winter weather for the sports and though part of the local club went up to Bozeman to see how the experts perform, the twenty who stayed at home slides had a “dandy time”. Several Townsend people attended the third annual Governor’s Trophy Ski Jumping tournament and dog team races at Karst’s Kamp in Gallatin Canyon Sunday. In the group were Dan and Laurie McCarthy, Ann Gabisch, Tom, George and Lawrence Gabisch, Miss Eleanor Mattson, Rose Sanz, Nancy Lyons, Kenneth Biggs, Bobby McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Hollaway and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ward. The day was nice although they experienced more snow and, apparent winter in the park border, than at home.
“Townsend Shorts”
Sharon Zabel was six years old Sunday, January 22, and the occasion was observed with a party at her home in the valley when 17 little tots and their mothers gathered for the event. Decorations were in pink and there were Patsy and Denny Kelly, Carol and Tommy Davidson, Helen and Jim Braley, Joanne and Pat Duffy, Linda Kay Darnutzer, Raymond Gill, Maryetta and Marnie Lanning, Ray Thompson, Peter Nash, Tommy and Ray Bayles and Marie Kirscher. Aunty Edith (Mrs. Glenn Kirscher) made the cake and all said it was a dandy. Bob McCarthy, who was a student at Montana State College, has returned to Townsend. Ray Feldt and Dick Doggett have entered Carroll College to take up college work at the beginning of the second semester. Jane Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wallace, was nine years old on Saturday and o celebrate the occasion, her mother entertained at a birthday party in her honor at the home of Mrs. Arthur Olsen. Valentine decorations and favors were used making a very attractive table. A birthday cake with nine lighted candles centered the table, from which refreshments were served to Billie Flynn, John Langevin, Karen Ann Olsen, Wayne Shearer, Sally Wallace, Joyce Massey, Linda Graveley, Adalee Olsen, Allan Lundborg, Grace Tintinger, Judy Olsen, Gay Ann Sullivan, Gary Toney and Carol Ann McElravey. Games were played and Judy Olsen and Wayne Shearer winning the prizes.
“Exceed Our Quota in Blood Drawing” Mrs. Frank Hooks and other Red Cross officials wish to extend sincere thanks to all who helped in the most successful blood drawing ever held in Broadwater County Tuesday of this week. The quota this time was 50 pints and they received 75 pints. First of all they thank the 83 who registered to give blood to the blood bank, 75 of whom were accepted; to Mrs. James Kearns and her recruitment committee for their untiring work; the Junior Red Cross for their help with posters; Townsend Woman’s Club for handling the canteen; Dr. McElwee, the staff, aides and nurses; boys who helped unload the blood mobile and the Girls Friendly Society and Junior Red Cross for babysitting. it is most gratifying to see so many new donors – 26 registered and 21 were accepted, and especially to see the 18 and 21-year old group. Included in this were Allen Davies, Ken Hagbom, Richard Etzwiler, Vernon Boster, Gay Ann Sullivan, Verna Evans, Dean Massa, Howard White, Beth Thompson, Don Lewis and Ada Lee Olsen. Mrs. DeVon Domer joined the 2-gallon club and the following became members of the 1-gallon group: Mrs. Doris McLaughlin, Mrs. Wayne Plymale, Mrs. Robert Klein and Mrs. Henry Huth. In addition to local residents, there were 10 from the Winston area, one from Radersburg and one from Toston. Mrs. Hooks reports that last year Broadwater County was one of only 10 counties in the state exceeding quotas, and with the fine start in the first drawing for 1961 there is little doubt that we will achieve this status again this year.
“Who Is Where in the Armed Forces” Gerald O. Waling – Jerry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Waling, left last Thursday by bus for Butte where he took his physical and was sworn into the U.S. Navy. From Butte he went with six others from Montana to San Diego where he will take his boot training. He writes that things are going well, but that he is real busy. Harvey Delger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Delger, left Tuesday by bus from Butte for San Diego, Calif., where he will take his boot training with the U.S. Navy. Pvt. David Hicks – Dave was home two weeks ago to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hicks, on a delay enroute to his new assignment after completing basic training at Fort Polk, La. He is now enrolled in a school to learn postal procedures. Pfc. Paul D. Schwisow – Paul is in the commanding general’s mess, but as yet has not assumed any cooking duties. He does not write just where he is, but is somewhere in Korea. He says he has a good duty and so far has been getting along fine.
“Radersburg News Notes” Mrs. Lola Ricketts and Jane Bottler were in the Townsend the Senior Citizens Monday. They didn’t go play cards Thursday because of the weather and then Friday, they had dinner at the center while Lola was getting her car repaired. Marianne Miller left Thursday for Pocatello to visit her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hysell and girls. From there she plans to go to California. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls were business callers in Helena Monday. They also visited a while with Tops Ralls. Townsend visitors this week were Charlie Hough, Art Roberts, Mr. and Mr. Dick Bomar, Ida Smith, Lola Ricketts, Jane Bottler, Edna and Butch Puttin, Mary Osterloth, Jack and Jean Ralls, Marg and Benny Skillman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gillespie. Frank Spritzer and boys, Steven and Frank Jr., were fishing Saturday at Hay Cabin Slew. Then Sunday the family went to Hay Cabin Slew with no luck, but Margie fell in up to her waist. Ronnie Harris, Devin Miller, Dan Moudree and Devin’s little girl Vanessa. They had no luck,