Cassie Cooper Knows Wild Rags
 | Author: Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News Correspondent |
Cassie Cooper Knows Wild Rags Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent There’s a new girl in town, taking over the space previously inhabited by Broadwater Tack, 505 Front Street. Her name is Cassie Cooper and her business is C hangin C Designs. She has been working hard at growing her home-based business; finding her niche, right here in town. She has had an online business for a while; while also doing craft fairs and Made-in-Montana shows. She has a WildRags display at Rocky Mountain Supply, too.
Her store features handmade silk scarves and (oh so soft) minky blankets, with ear-warmers and more! She also displays jewelry and scarf accessories. She does wholesale and consignments with Montana creations. Her material comes from both coasts; wherever she finds the desired prints. Then, she cuts and finishes the scarves, even while you wait.
Her business began as gifts for friends and family. As word spread, she took the leap into a small business. Her following is growing. Like many craftspeople, she boasts many repeat customers. If you are interested in more information, you can call her at 406-439-1269; She has a Facebook account C hangin C Designs; TikTok CassieCoop; on Instagram C-hangin-C-designs.
Cassie is married to Leroy and has four grown children. Her previous employer was Big Bull in Winston, where she served as manager. She has lived in Winston for 11 years.
C hanging C Designs will have its Grand Opening on February 10 and 11. And, that’s just in time for Valentine’s Day. Head on over and check out her designs. If you are hungry, that’s great, too…as Gayle Watson still has her tacos and other favorites available.
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PhotoCredit: Dee Gannon
Image 1 Caption: Cassie Cooper