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This Week In History - Jan 26


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

January 26


“Canton Valley” News

Will Cotter of Canton is busy this week getting his woodpile sawed with a power outfit.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cartwright were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mahony Friday.

The telephone line to the John Graveley ranch was completed Tuesday of this week.

Gene Hardgrove is out of school this week with a case of jaundice and flu.

Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Sullivan, who are visiting their daughters in San Diego Calif., write that the weather is fine there and they are enjoying themselves immensely.


“Winston News”

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Moe were Helena visitors Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead, Wayne and Carol, attended Rainbow installation in Helena Thursday evening.

Wesley and Ronnie Diehl and Tony Schnablegger attended the basketball game in Townsend Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diehl were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Aarnson at the Colonial Club Saturday night.

Townsend visitors Saturday night were Morris Miles and son, Joe, Bob White, Robert Myles, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead and family.

“Toston News”

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beyers returned Monday evening from Thermopolis, Wyo.

The dance at the Recreation Center on Saturday night was well attended. John Topsick was the holder of the lucky number which won him an angel food cake.

Miss Barbara Clark left Monday morning for Great Falls to resume her nurses training, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark.

The Toston Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Oscar Nilson Wednesday afternoon with eight members present.

Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn and family visited in Willow Creek Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marks and daughter, Mrs. William Quinn and Mrs. Cora Mackey of Townsend were Toston visitors Sunday afternoon.


“Crow Creek School News”

The students received their report cards Wednesday. Those with perfect attendance for the quarter in the primary room were George Conrad, Lois Feistner, Mike Ferrat, LeGrande Hunsaker, Steve Kimpton, Bobby Kimpton, Pam Kitto, Dixie Turman and Cathy Williams.

Upper classmen who had perfect attendance included Jerry Kitto, John Lampman, Karche Lampman, Jex Hunsaker, Barbara Lewis and Robert Hensley.


“Cub Scouts Holds Pack Meeting”

Cub Scouts of Pack 98 held their monthly meeting last Wednesday evening in the multi-purpose room. The flag ceremony was presented by Den No. 3 with Den mothers, Mrs. Norman Brown and Mrs. Dale Davidson. Den No. 2 with den mothers, Mrs. Charles Holling and Mrs. Robert Wogamon, and Den No. 6 with den mothers, Mrs. Robert Kincaid, Mrs. Leonard Lavender and Mrs. James Armstrong presented skits carrying out the monthly theme, “Highways to Progress”.

The attendance award was won by Den No 6 with nearly 100% attendance.

Cubmster Dale Davidson presented the following awards:

Bob Pottruff - webelos badge; Ronnie Graham - three year pin and webelos badge; Mike Holzwarth - three year pin and webelos badge; Bobby Francisco - denner bar; Steve Morrison - graduation certificate; Jim Booher - bobcat pin, bear badge, and one year pin; Dale Merrill - bobcat pin, wolf badge and 1 gold arrow; Matt Meyer - bear badge, 1 gold arrow and 1 silver arrow; Scott Simon - 2 year pin, lion badge, 1 gold arrow and 1 silver arrow; Wayne Cooper, - two year pin, bear badge, 1 gold arrow; Jimmy - Foster, lion badge and assistant denner; Kenny Urich - wolf badge and one gold arrow; Robert Kenney - bear badge and one gold arrow; Vincent Caprara - bobcat pin; David Riley - one gold arrow, three silver arrows and one year pin; Donnie Graham, two year pin and assistant denner, Mark Davidson - wolf badge; Tom Holling - two year pin; Mike Copeland - two silver arrows and denner bar, David Brown - wolf badge and one gold arrow; Dennis Brown - one silver arrow.


“Noyd Bros. Buy Business”

Jeff and Fred Noyd have opened the business of Noyd Bros. Auto Service, formerly a part of Downtown Garage and Body Shop. The brothers, who both worked for Clarence Shuchard at Downtown Garage, will continue to do the auto service work. Shuchard will continue the operation of the body shop.

Fred and Jeff are both local men, born, schooled and raised in Broadwater County. Fred is married to the former Patty Copeland and Jeff is married to Linda Cazier. They have many combined years in the auto service business, and will continue to offer the same good service.