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New Processes For Entering The School


Susie Hedalen, Townsend Schools Superintendent
Townsend Schools Superintendent

New Process for Entering the School Susie Hedalen, Townsend Schools Superintendent Dear Families, Community Members, and Business Partners

January 16, 2023

As you know, Townsend School District is updating safety plans and protocols. One of the top priorities is to have a secure campus. The main entry doors are now all equipped with a buzzer system. You will be asked to wear a visitor or volunteer badge while in the building.

If you are visiting the school, please schedule with staff so that the process will be smoother when you arrive. If you are visiting a classroom, for example, please make a plan with the teacher so that the secretary can quickly verify your visit.

If you are coming to meet with administration or facilities, you may be asked to wait at the window until they come to meet you.

You may be asked for identification if the staff does not know you.

We want to continue to have a warm and welcoming school; however, these are critical steps to ensuring the safety of our students, and staff. We appreciate your patience, feedback, and cooperation while we train all staff and work through the new protocols.

With any concerns or questions, reach out to Superintendent, Susie Hedalen.

Superintendent, Susie Hedalen 406-441-3454

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PhotoCredit: Susie Hedalen
Image 1 Caption: Headshot of Superintendant Hedalen