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Old Baldy Adult Education - Computer Classes


Victor Sample
Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer

Old Baldy Adult Education - Computer Classes Victor Sample Terey Artz, Adult Education Coordinator, invited me to teach a class on “Safe Surfing” – how to avoid computer scams/malware and what to do if you have malware problems.

I did the class on January 11 with 7 people attending. Everyone that came was interested and participated in the class. I had fun teaching it and I think the people attending had fun as well; and, I think everyone learned from the presentation.

Afterward, I heard from a number of people that they didn’t know about the class or had a conflict. They were wondering if we could do another session.

If you were unable to come to the class and would like us to do another class just email Terey at and let her know.

The class is FREE. There is absolutely no charge. The class lasts 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on the class participation and the number of questions.


“I wish there was an app for that” … and maybe you want to be the person that creates it. Opportunities abound for people with computer coding skills – with great pay. The Old Baldy Adult Education is sponsoring a class on the essentials of computer programming. The only requirement for taking the class is that you have access to a computer that you can update.

The class is a 10-week class that will introduce computer programming. The attendee will learn how to write programs using PHP – a programming language that is widely used to develop websites.

The purpose of the class is to give someone interested in programming a feel for what is involved and for them to determine if computer programming is something they might like to pursue.

The class starts on January 18 – even if you have missed the first session please feel free to join us on Wednesday nights. The class will run for 10 weeks.