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Commissioner Randolph Chairman, Richtmyer Joins Commissioners
Author: Eliza McLaughlin - Staff Reporter

Commissioner Randolph Chairman, Richtmyer Joins Commissioners Eliza McLaughlin - Staff Reporter Seats shifted at the Broadwater County Commission meeting on Jan. 9 when Lindsey Richtmyer took her seat at the table and Commissioner Debi Randolph assumed a new role.

With her first meeting in the books, Richtmyer’s main goal is to continue learning as much as she can. Apart from that, Richtmyer told "MT 43 News" that she has a few ideas in mind, but is waiting to see if they’re actually possible.

Beyond learning, Richtmyer plans to find a way to effectively communicate with Broadwater County’s broad age demographic.

As she jumps with both feet first into life as a county commissioner, Richtmyer expressed gratitude to community members for allowing her to fulfill this role.

“Thank you for putting faith in me, and trust in me to help manage the county,” she said.

Early in the Jan. 9 meeting, commissioner Darrel Folkvord nominated Randolph as the commission’s next chair. Richtmyer seconded it, and it was approved unanimously. Randolph then, in turn, nominated, Folkvord as the commission’s vice-chair. Folkvord was approved unanimously.

Randolph immediately took on the role and led the meeting with few mistakes.

Randolph told "MT 43 News" that she is excited to be this year’s commission chair, and commended the county’s employees and volunteers for “steering the county in the right direction going into 2023 and beyond".

As excited as she is to be commission chair, Randolph expressed the need for the community to get involved and work alongside those at the helm of the county.

“I urge all residents to attend meetings, send emails, and volunteer,” she said. “The future of Broadwater County needs the ideas, solutions, and help of all the residents to navigate the path forward.”