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New Playground Finally Open


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

New Playground Finally Open Nancy Marks Residents in the elementary school area of town heard the strange new sounds of children playing and laughing on Tuesday. The new playground equipment at the school was finally opened for business.

Kindergarten through fifth-grade students have been without a playground for the past two years while the new Townsend Elementary School was being built, according to elementary school Principal Christina Hartmann.

The very modern playground equipment was paid for by a combination of several grants, including a grant from Helena Playable Playground Company before the school bond issue was passed. Stacy Sommer organized the project.

Hartmann said several parts of the playground are yet to be installed, including the climbing wall and the tower, as well as equipment for handicapped children and some pieces that were saved from the original playground. A grassy area will be added as well. “The Cub Scouts are building us a gaga pit (an octagonal walled area for playing dodgeball) which they will install next spring,” she said.