This Week In History - Jan 12
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The Cotter Foundation
January 12
“Gamble Store Has Change in Owners”
The Gamble store in Townsend underwent a change in management yesterday when two brothers, Fred Kapinos and A.F. Kapinos purchased the stock and business from J.J. Schiltz.
The new owners have been busy completing the inventory and remarking their stock and intend to lay in a complete supply of hardware and merchandise distributed by the Gamble agency.
Mr. Schlitz intends to remain in Townsend and has purchased an interest in the B. Williams mining claims in Hassel district, which he intends to work this spring and summer.
The Kapinos brothers are Montanans having resided in the state for many years. They say they are sure they are going to like the mountains and Missouri Valley.
“City and County” News
Jack D’Arcy returned home last night from a trip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Ragen returned from Billings Tuesday evening after a couple of days spent there.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green are sojourning in Portland having departed for that western city about a week ago.
Mrs. Paul Carson has been quite ill at her home in the valley since moving here form Virginia City the first of the year. She is able to be up today.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richtmyer spent a couple of days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. A.G. McCormick from the Helena valley where they are employed at the Masonic home.
Fred W. Schmitz was a business visitor in Helena yesterday.
“Rotary Club Takes Lead to Give Kids Good Skating Rink"
Almost 100 young people enjoyed skating on the rink on main street over the week end. The rink was cleaned and flooded by the city employees at the request of the Rotary Club who planned such improvement program at their last meeting.
Besides asking that the rink be flooded, the club had a small house built and moved to the rink banks last Sunday and procured electricians to light the house and the rink.
Those who donated their labor to build the house and do the electrical wiring were Frank Hargrove, Jack Leanhart and Lyman Etzwiler while Rudy Berg and Ralph Simons did the wiring.
The warming house has been equipped with a stove.
“Elementary School Bond Elections Carried; High Lost”
As a result of the elections held last Saturday in school district No. 7 and in the county precincts, Townsend will have the opportunity of building a new $188,000 elementary school building, but county voters said “no” to the $187,000 bond issue for the expansion of their high school.
A record vote was noted, partly due to favorable weather, giving rural, as well as towns people, an opportunity of getting to the polls and also it was apparent a great interest was taken to squelch the improvement program, the grade school issue carrying by a small majority of 50 and the high school issue being lost by a large majority of 182.
Out of a possible 650 eligible voters in the district 7, 406 voted, 229 going for the issue and 179 against.
In the county election out of an approximate 934 voters, 594 went to the polls, 206 going for the issue and 388 against.
Of the two school bond elections, the Townsend elementary school is the most needed as the building, already over 50 years old, has been damaged by earthquake, fire and is in a dilapidated state, besides being far too small to take care of the first six grades now using the school and the emergency school room in the courthouse.
Final plans will be made as soon as possible and bids will be called for, for the contracting of the building we are informed today. It is thought the bond election money of $188,000 will provide ample money to complete the 12 room elementary school building, asked in the election.
In the defeat of the high school bond election, those who have the operation of the school in their management, are pondering the outcome and wondering how they will be able to take care of the influx of students from the elementary school in another year or two years as they pass to the junior-senior high school which is also over crowded at the present time. In asking for $187.,000, the high school board were anticipating securing money with which to make more class rooms in the present building using the present gymnasium and erect a new gym.
The tabulated returns revealed that in Winston there are 23 being bussed in to the Broadwater high school at Townsend, 5 to the grade school, that precinct voted eight for and 37 against the expansion program.
In the Radersburg-Crow Creek-Toston district, which has 27 students coming to the high school and 18 to the grade school by bus there were nine for the expansion program and 96 against it.
Radersburg 6 for, 37 against; Toston 3 for and 59 against.
In the Canton area where there are twenty-two being transported into the high school and 36 to the elementary school, seven voted for and 27 against the expansion program.
“Observe 25th Anniversary”
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert White were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary by members of their bridge club. The group had cocktails at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schreiner Thursday evening, December 29, and a dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Neifert. Helping them celebrate, besides those mentioned above were Mr. and Mrs. Logan Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Poole, Mr. and Ms. Charles Ragen, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Scoffield, Mrs. Jerry Parker and Art Berg.
“Birthday Party”
Monday, January 9, Cheryl Waling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Waling, celebrated her 9th birthday with a party after school. Guests were Carrie Harrigfeld, Lonette Grover, Debbie Graham, Connie Rage=n, Candy Whitehead, Jackie Huntsberger, Pat Huth, Kathleen Mullany and Valerie Waling.
After playing games, refreshments were served to the group by Mrs. Waling.
“Local News”
Among Broadwater County residents employed in the legislature this year are Mrs. Zita Graveley. Mrs. Ann Marie Stiner, Mrs. Ray Doig, Mrs. Virgil Karhoff and Miss Donna Doig.
Mrs. Frank Hooks left Tuesday for Missoula to be with her sister, Mrs. Let Ballard, who is a patient in St. Patrick’s Hospital there.
Pat Ragen, student at Carroll College in Helena, was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ragen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richardson and daughter, Janet, returned home Saturday from a 12-day motor trip through the southwest where they visited Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento and other points of interest along the way.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Zollinger and daughter, who have made their home in Goshen, Ind., the past year, arrived in Townsend last week.
Mrs. Signa Anders arrived home last Thursday from Apple Valley, Calif., where she has been the past month visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Harry Anders, and sons, Joe and Harry Jr. Their son, Mickey, arrived home two weeks ago from England where he has been stationed with the U.S. Air Force.
“Toston-Crow Creek News”
A pot luck dinner honoring Mary and Frank Slifka on their 40th wedding anniversary Wednesday night, January 4, was held at the Toston Community Center. Over 95 adults, and not counting the children, attended. Friends and relatives from all over came by. Happy Anniversary, Mary. and Frank.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sitton and family and Bob Sitton came out Sunday and had birthday dinner with May Sitton. David’s birthday was Friday and Monday was May’s so Happy Birthday to May and David.
Mrs. Betty Madill and son, Devin, of Bozeman were over for the weekend visiting with Mr., and Mrs. D.D. Davis and Darrell.
“South of Townsend News”
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kolberg have returned from spending two weeks in Denver, Colo. visiting with their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Antonson during the holidays.
Elaine Hensley and daughter, Diane Ferrat, were shopping in Bozeman Friday.
Andrea and Arden Bruce attended the Townsend boys basketball tournament Friday night. Andrea attended the basketball games in Whitehall Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bruce, Andrea and Arden, attended the games Saturday night in Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lambott, Wanda and Karen of Rudyard, came Sunday night to spend one week with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kitto while Mr. Lambott goes to classes in Bozeman.
Last week, Ray Webb and a friend, Warren Jones of Turner, Mt., spent three days skiing in Bozeman.
Pauline Webb and her bowling team were in Helena last Thursday bowling and had lunch.
Pearl and Mary Kitto were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kitto and Rod, Sunday.