New Year Reflection
 | Author: Ellie West, Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy Inside Inspiration: Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy |
New Year Reflection Ellie West, Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy Have you asked yourself some reflective questions this past week as we jump into the New Year? What challenges or fears were thrown your way, and how did you overcome them? Were you able to break through your challenges, fears, sadness, and disappointments? Did you learn some lessons from those challenges, where you will gain more wisdom?
There are lessons we need to learn as we face life head-on. Is something holding you back from fulfilling your purpose, your calling? It could be anger, shame, unforgiveness, hurt from your past, or something you had no control over.
As I took this week to journal, pray, meditate, set new goals and boundaries, clear the chatter to be still, and listen, I heard many things.
Over the last several weeks, I have been working with an NLP Master Practitioner, and together, we have dug deep and done some complex work releasing limiting beliefs. Each week I uncover more limiting beliefs.
One that brought me to tears was unforgiveness; it wasn’t necessarily towards others; it was unforgiveness towards myself. Thoughts about myself that I didn’t even know existed or believed. They were hiding in my subconscious. Occasionally, they would peek out, and when they did, I would push them back…hoping they would stay. Each time they would surface, I would shove them back into hiding.
Was I aware of the limiting beliefs? Not at all. All I knew was that I wanted to be content with my life. Honestly, if you would have asked me if I was satisfied and fulfilling my purpose, I would have to say, “truthfully, no".
Many of you may be in the same place. There was a void in my heart, my dreams, and what I had envisioned for my life, along with an intense yearning to understand my purpose.
I had to reach for more as I knew there was more…I was created for something better than what I had dreamt.
Discovering yourself, your purpose, and your calling in life is universal. We desire to fulfill the passion, gifts, and talents that each of us has been given. It is in our innate nature to question it, but also to want it. Some may even doubt their purpose or calling their entire life.
And sometimes, we seek it out in all the wrong places.
We look for it in other people, relationships, jobs, or what we acquire. But you will need more than that to fill the void in your heart of what you crave. Many go through life saying, “I guess this is it. It’s just the cards I’ve been dealt."
You weren’t dealt cards; you are here on purpose, filled with passion, dreams, and beautiful gifts, for such a time as this. Your dreams purposely motivate and inspire you to see what is possible.
Have I failed in life? Yes, many times. I was unsuccessful in school, relationships, friendships, and jobs. But, with each of those, I learned valuable lessons…lessons that I have taken with me so I could gain understanding and wisdom. Without those failures, I would not be where I am today…and for that, I am deeply grateful.
We must often go through a growing season…we grow through what we go through. The seasons prepare and equip us for something bigger than ourselves.
As I read in 2 Timothy 1:12 (TPT), Paul encourages his readers as we walk through the uncertainties of life. “The confidence of my calling enables me to overcome every difficulty, and my faith in Him convinces me that He is more than able to keep all I’ve placed in His hands safe and secure.”
Trust God when your purpose may be slowed. The One who placed them inside of you knows the perfect time to bring them to fruition. Keep hope while you wait. Your fears, lost time, unforgiveness, shame, and guilt all tell you to forget about your dreams. Don’t believe the lie…such as you are not good enough, smart enough, worthy, or missed your opportunity. It simply is not true.
It’s time to take your dream out of the deep freeze and let it thaw…it has been frozen way too long. Begin this coming new year by discovering your purpose and unwrapping your gifts — one at a time. They are yours and have been beautifully and perfectly designed just for you.
“When at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul.” Prov. 13:12 (TPT)
To Connect with Ellie: FB/IG @coachelliewest