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Sr. Center Menu for Sept. 26 - Sept. 30


Carol Anderson, Senior Center
Senior Center, Senior Center Mngr

This is the Senior Center Menu for the week of September 26--September 30

Monday, September 26

Beef Tacos

Cheese & Sour Cream

Lettuce and Tomato

Mexican Corn and Beans

Zesty Pineapple

Tuesday, Sept. 27

Baked Chicken

Rice Pilaf

Steamed Carrots

Dinner Salad

Blushing Pears

Chocolate Mousse

Wednesday, Sept. 28

Carol's Meatloaf

Mashed Potatoes with Gravy

Garden Salad

Whole Grain Bread

Plump Peaches

Thursday, Sept. 29

Sweet-n-Sour Pork

Fried Brown Rice

Green Beans

Four Bean Salad

Baked Apples

Friday, Sept. 30

French Toast

Scrambled Eggs

Link Sausage

Diced Potatoes

Key Largo Vegetables

Fruit Salad