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Tell House Agriculture Committee To Vote No On Hb 119
Author: Alice Miller Press Relations Specialist, Montana Farmers Union

Tell House Agriculture Committee to Vote No on HB 119 Bill to Establish MT Cattle Committee creates bureaucracy without benefits

Alice Miller

Press Relations Specialist, Montana Farmers Union

Let legislators know HB 119 - Establish the Montana Cattle Committee - needs to go back to the drawing board because it’s unclear how the additional assessment fee would benefit producers.

The bill provides for a politically appointed committee that would collect an assessment fee of $1 from Montana Cattle producers upon a referendum vote. Montana Farmers Union opposed the bill in committee because:

• It's unclear what goals this second dollar would achieve that can’t be achieved by the current beef checkoff.

• If additional funding is truly needed for the purposes outlined in the bill, we should allow the current MT Beef Council to administer it with clearly defined parameters.

• The Montana Beef Council (which predates the national beef checkoff) represents the industry better than what is proposed in HB 119, which asks for a politically appointed committee with no districts or representation requirements.

• The referendum vote needs some requirements and clarifications.

• There should be a restriction in place to prevent funds from going to the NCBA.

Create a public participation account and share your concerns with House Ag Committee members today. Make a call and ask to leave a message for legislators or the committee by dialing (406) 444-4800 to reach the Information Desk.