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Rural Mental Health Workshop Hosted By Old Baldy Education


Samantha Ferrat, Montana Farmers Union District representative
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Rural Mental Health Workshop Hosted by Old Baldy Education

Samantha Ferrat

Montana Farmers Union District Representative

Rural Mental Health Workshop - QPR Training hosted by MFU & Old Baldy Adult Education

What: This will be a virtual satellite training concurrent with the in-person event in Great Falls.

Rural mental health care is critically important. Being trained to recognize the signs of mental health struggles in our friends and family members can save a life. QPR is a suicide prevention training for participants to be able to recognize the warning signs of suicide and question, persuade, and refer people at risk for suicide for help to save lives, reduce suicidal behaviors, and empower individuals to reach out and help someone in need.

When: January 22 @ 12:15 - 2 pm

Where: Library Community Room Townsend Schools 201 S Spruce Townsend, MT 59644

Who: Open to MFU members, friends, and the public.

Lunch and beverages provided RSVP needed for food count text/call/email Samantha Ferrat 406-949-0869