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Who Are We?
Author: Bill Garwood

Who are We?

Time to get back to “reality”. When I ask, "Who are we?" I’m serious, (mostly). As a people- who are we? Hold on!

Most all of you have heard the phrase: “Divide and Conquer”, right? A good place to start. WE ARE: human beings. The collective WE are white, black, brown, red, yellow, and various shades of ALL this. We are Caucasian, African, Asian, Native American, European, Arab, Pacific Islander and various cultures from all over Earth.

We are: Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Mormon, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahai, Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, 7th Day Adventist, Episcopalian, and MANY variations in between! We are male, female, (variations in our own thoughts). We are city folks, town folks, country folks, nomads, those with and those without! We Are: ranchers, farmers, factory workers, small business owners & employees. We are liberals, conservatives, independents, etc.

We are Rotary, Lions Club, Elks, Eagles, Masons, Veterans, civilians, Scouts / Girl Scouts (don’t get me started.), etc. We are different sports team’s fans. We are healthy, sick, “damaged,” lazy, hardworking, unemployed, on assistance, looking for work. I think you are starting to get the idea!

With ALL this “division” how do we get ANYTHING done? Many times, we do NOT! The “mainstream media’ likes it this way; they can CONTROL us. Want to know how moldable we are? In the 1970s one movie had an actor wear a white 3-piece suit, and dance “disco”. All of a sudden people all over were wearing white suits and dancing something like disco. In the 80s an actor in a movie drove a truck and talked to his “good buddies” on the CB radio. All of a sudden there were CBs everywhere. It drove the police nuts! ANY fad that can come down the pike, people will fall in line to buy their merchandise. (Remember the “Pet Rock?”)

NOW, “leaders" of cities have betrayed their people. The far west coast has PLENTY of water, except The Governing body has dumped the fresh water into the ocean, and emptied the reservoirs, the Federal Government even gave them billions a few years ago to build water-holding sheds and reservoirs. Nothing was done! Now, if you watch the news, we all know what has happened, many people who “KNOW” warned them. Greed & Laziness!

With so many divisions in our society, we are just waiting for a takeover! Any “enemy” could literally just walk in and overrun US! Several other countries are looking with greedy eyes at America. Can we come together in time? Do NOT think that it couldn’t happen, work together; do NOT be a country divided! America IS a part of all countries; we are the melting pot that works. Stop the hatred of all things/people that are different! You are warned!