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FFA Update
Author: Ashley Sanderson,2024-2025 Broadwater FFA Reporter

Future Farmers of America

Ashley Sanderson

2024-2025 Broadwater FFA Reporter

December 6th, 2024 - January 4th, 2025

While December wasn’t an incredibly busy month for the Broadwater FFA Chapter due to winter break, it was still incredibly successful. We started off the month with the Sweetgrass Showdown on December 9th. Our chapter took teams in livestock evaluation, veterinary science, and floriculture. Veterinary science and floriculture both qualified for state which will be taking place at the beginning of April.

Not only did we have two state-qualifying teams, we also had multiple members who placed in the top 10 individually. Kaitlyn Noyes placed 5th overall in livestock evaluation and 3rd overall in veterinary science. Ashley Sanderson placed 6th overall in veterinary science, and our team secured the 2nd place spot.

Along with our competition, we also had our officer team gift exchange, it was an amazing team-building experience and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We also held the monthly meeting of the Broadwater FFA Chapter. It was the last one for 2024, and it really doesn’t seem like the year is already halfway over. Time really does fly.

We still have several events that have yet to compete for their spot at state and I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone does. Keep up the good work!