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This Day In History - January 9


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

January 9


“Personal News”

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richardson of Fromberg have moved to Townsend to make their home They arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wieferich during the holidays and intend to be permanently located here.

With schools reopening after the holidays found college men and women returning to their different school for the last lap in the first semester of school and many will not return until spring after the second semester is finished. Howard Shearer returned to the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis; Miss Frances White to Vancouver to the University of British Columbia; Miss Rose Sanz and Miss Hilda Belville to the Normal at Havre; Bill Weed, Bill Lasby and Ross Bigler to the University at Missoula; Eddie Daniels, Dale Cook, Thos; Ellis, and Joe Kirscher, Leslie Clark and Ed Conrad to the State College at Bozeman.

“Radersburg News”

Mrs. W.E. Greaves and daughter, Mrs. Sam Harris, were transacting business in Towsend Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robbin Wright and Mr. and Mrs. John Sitton spent New Years Day with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sitton and son, Norman in East Helena and Mr. and Mrs. James Sitton of Helena.


“Winners Listed in Rexall Contest”

Tony Francisco, proprietor of the Rexall drug store in Townsend announces winners in the contest conducted by his store during November and December. Grand prize winners were Susan Rains and Harry Anders, Jr., each winning a bicycle. Other winners and prizes were:

Dorothy Doig, radio; Cynda Holland, Doll (bride), Ann Meyer, petite watch; Lee Ann Todd, cooking set; Betty Ann DuFresne, complete doll outfit; Jan Kirscher, pen and pencil set; Gerry Lewis, jewelry set; Pat Quinn, radio; Jim Thompson, chemistry set; Chris Grover, flying platform; Mike Ragen, watch; Pat Ragen, rifle; John Poole, camera outfit; and Rodney Davis, hunting set.

The following contestants who did not win prizes will receive a free ticket to the movies: Sydney Sherwood, Mary Etzwiler, Marian Collins, Patty Fischer; Trudi Bucy, Bonnie Plymale, Georgia McCormick; Patty Freebury, Gloria Fryhling, Terry Sullivan, Joan Huth, Nancy Fryhling, Candy Davis, Vicki Huth, Mike Valentine, Lance Davis, Bobby Miller, Teddy Flynn, Mark Whitehead, Brad Tarrant, Danny Day, John Schwisow, Jerry Bucy, Frankie Romer, Mike Scoffield, Dick Black, Scott Whaley, Dan Neifert, Jack McGlynn, Cliff Jones, Jim Huth, Stevie Olsen, Jim Horne and Tom Campbell.


“Toston News”

Congratulations to Nicki Lane for winning the first place prize of a new bike in the Rexall contest at Francisco Pharmacy.

Christmas Day Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Johnson and family were Mr. and Mrs. Dell Mathis and family of Bozeman, Gladys Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane and family

Patricia Berberet enjoyed skiing at Bridger Bowl over the weekend.

Brian and Kelly and Kevin Flynn have returned to Western Montana College.

Mr. and Mrs. Curt Diehl attended the New Year’s Eve party at the LDS Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Chet Scoffield attended the dinner party at Mr. Ed’s on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert White and Mr. and Mrs. Lanny White.

Jamie Scoffield attended David Masolo’s birthday party in Winston on Saturday.

Miss Marilyn Hoffman of BYU was home for the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson.

All of the Frank Flynn family had New Year’s Day dinner with the Doug Christie family.

Mr. and Mrs. Chet Scoffield attended the New Year’s Day dinner at the Legion Club.


“Radersburg News”

Friday Debbie and Alan Smith, Butte, came early in the morning. Debbie had an elk permit for Friday and Saturday. Debbie got her elk by noon or earlier. They visited with Oppie Smith while I was in Townsend shopping and tending to business. They left for home a few minutes after I got home. Bobby and Bradley stayed in Butte with Debbie’s sister, Pauline.

New Year’s dinner guests of Mary Jane and Ron Gollehon was Harla and Bill Gillespie, Edna and Butch Puttin, Tim Colby and Kenny Baze of Butte.

Jack and Jean Ralls were business callers in Townsend Monday morning and to Helena Monday afternoon.

Edna Hensley of the valley visited Jean Balls Thursday afternoon.


“Around Town News”

Chris and Lillian Arden were Christmas dinner guests of their family, Douglas and Penny Arden, Alan, Austin, and Andy.

Forrest and Marion Kitto enjoyed dinner Sunday with Marge and Wilmer Eicher. Friday overnight guests of Forrest and Marion were Will and Ben Allington of Denver.

Holiday visitors with Fern Kirley were her sons, John and Bill, and daughters, Mary and Jim Clow of Houston Texas, and Pat and Vance Lusette of Oceanside, Calif.

Christmas dinner guests of Helen Obert were Keith and Carol Obert, Shannon and Keeley; East Helena; Harry Obert, Helena; Grant Obert; and Brian and Laura Obert.

Christmas dinner guests of Mildred Neild were Barbara and George O’Dore, Great Falls; Mike and Elaine O’Dore, Michaela and McKensie, Joliet; and Phyllis and Bert English, Helena. Mildred’s daughter, Edwina Hankinson Dillon visited Sunday.

Betty Horne hosted birthday parties Dec. 28 for Ray and Dec. 29 for Karen. Guests were Deena and Lonnie Gobbs, Casey and Lane and Valerie and Dave Middlemas, J.R. and Charity.