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After School Program Visits The Broadwater County Museum


Ruby Eirich & Linda Huth
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

After School Program Visits the Broadwater County Museum

Ruby Eirich & Linda Huth

This year, the After School Program has been partnering with local businesses to provide hands-on learning experiences for registered students.

On Friday, December 13th, students from the After School Program were invited to the Broadwater County Museum for an in-depth tour hosted by the Broadwater County Historical Society. Prior to the tour, students wrote down their questions about the museum and preserving history. 24 students from kindergarten to 6th grade were accompanied by the After School Program Coordinator, Ruby Eirich, as well as program staff, Eileen Ryce, Sheila Rivera, and Lexi Davies.

Students entered the museum expecting to see dusty dinosaur bones and left with their first look into the birth of their hometown, Townsend, Montana.

“This is what Bob’s used to look like?” one student exclaimed while touring the storefront exhibit.

The fan favorites of the tour were the buffalo robe, school desks, and sheepherders wagon!

If your business would like to welcome students from the After School Program for a tour to learn more about the places in our community and career exploration, please reach out via email to Ruby Eirich at