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Speech And Drama Club Starts Its Season


Karsyn Sangray, Broadwater High School Student Intern
MT43 News School Correspondent

Speech and Drama Club Starts Its Season

Karsyn Sangray

Broadwater High School Student Intern

We expect great things from our BHS Speech and Drama Club since the club took first last year at the state competition. Led by Coach Denise Bakkum, the club dominates the meets throughout the season. In two out of the three meets our team has been able to place. All thirty of the members contributed their blood, sweat and tears to their performance.

Even though losing the seniors from last year has been hard, the newbies are proving their worth and placing first in their events. Campbell Kirksey and Ava Boaz performed Classical Theater, with their piece, ‘Anne of Green Gables’. In their first meet, the duo placed first in all their rounds and were able to place overall. Campbell described the group's chemistry saying, “Usually we try to take deep breaths and center ourselves. We run lines in between rounds and hype ourselves up on the way. My favorite part of Speech and Drama is the people. They are absolute and total goofballs. I love them all.”

This group of ‘absolute goofballs’ can be serious when it comes to the competition. They take their parts seriously and try their best to beat the other teams. Our team isn’t just known for their drama kids, but their speech team is exceptional as well. Jenna Smucker, doing Humorous Oral Interpretation, was able to place first in Lewistown. Jenna loves to watch and support her team, especially when they bring home the first-place trophies. Her favorite part of her speech is, “Making judges cry by how funny I am. And I can make the room a positive environment even with everyone being serious”.

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PhotoCredit: Karsyn Sangray, Photographer
Image 1 Caption: Speech and Drama Club member Jenna Smucker does Humorous Oral Interpretation. Karsyn Sangray, Photographer
Image 2 Caption: Campbell Kirksey competes in Classical Theater doing 'Anne of Green Gables.' Karsyn Sangray, Photographer